I am attack by noob, how report him?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Redart_Kus_U_Denwo (01), Jul 25, 2012.

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  1. Buckeye, translator right here.
  2. Peoples, peoples, calms down.
  3. By his post he seems new so let's help him rather then calling him names even though he failed 

    Op, You are playing KaW. This is a game where people kill big ugly monsters or attack each other. It is what the game was made for...
    So if you are attacked you just hit back; its not against the rules to take someone else's gold (in this game).

    Being farmed? Hit back. 
  4. U have to be kidding me?? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! holy crap kid attack back
  5.  noooo 15m lost
  6. @Sasha, I'll have you banned for not letting me hit op.
  7. OP, did you fail school? Because the way you speak english is pretty retarted...
  8. Lmao! Best of?
  9. I have a feeling this is a joke...
  10. What nonamer said. Best of
  11. No best of I want to practice troll this forever.
  12. Um, Hey. Attack no get you ban. Attack part of game. Game is WAR game. W-A-R
  13. Op,

    One thing left to say

    "Come at me bro."
  14.  what Sasha said!
  15. Is it just me, or have there been a lot of thread fails lately?
  16. Hey, I just met you.
    And this is crazy.
    But I will keel you.
  17. U all have done it now, i told all my pro friends and they will tell whole world that you are noob, i give you chance to say sorry and say you noob or i will attack you
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