Some test updates. Bk from an osw and tested 700 k atk 5.5mil stats Hansel on 1 mithril spell and 13 atks pots with ard 43% Max success rate (i always scout b4 atk) on a stripped bc hitter on near pinned troops wi 4mil def. ard 4-6% when same target is near full troop. I hav crap bfa less than 500k combined Same condition on bc hitter ard 3.8 to 4.2mil def stats wi better bfa will render only ard 25-38% and only 2-4% when they on hi troop. Also tested wi a 300 k atk, 2mil stats hansel with ard 25% max success rate (13atk pots, 1 Mithril spell) on low bfa bc hitters ard 4mil def stats. Same situation, % obviously decreases when attempting to sit on opponent wi betta bfa. Only 1-2% on opponent sitting on hi troop level. But this hansel hav much better bfa, ard 480b worth But wat surprises me is when my Hansel wi a t3 lvl1 war aviary hav an impressive 13-15% max on the same bc target (4mil def) as the above two mentioned. Likewise 13atk pots and 1 rock spell. Crappy non existent bfa too. From the actual success hits Im getting in, I somehow doubt the % shown from scout is totally reliable when u attempt wi 13 atk pots. I always require a gd % relative to stats differences from scouting b4 hitting an opponent wi 11pots. But the new eb pots seems to screw the accuracy of the top cap and give me gd returns and satisfaction tat even hansels can effectively sit on bc hitter builds. Of course the % will be greatly influenced by bfa, spells activated, towers, propacks, reset bonus, eb equipments and actual troop level of both players. Those figures I mentioned above eg obviously do not apply to other players. Oh obviously dun bother to challenge me to hit a lb player Wi my hansels. Even lb 100 players can hav bfa 3,4x bfa the base stats of normal bc player. They will hav chances to hit thru some of us even wi say, 1/47000 atk troops. My point is simply cast some spell, ass a target in the roster down, scout, repeat and ass again if u need a higher % and finally spent those eb atk pots and ur Hansel can be effectively pinning and sitting on opponent much bigger than u. P.s. I obviously hav the nos of idevices to support my hansel accs lol
25% of your build must be Spy buildings to gain The benefit of a hybrid build. Defense towers and Spy towers are taken out of the equation when determining that %. That still leaves a lot of wiggle room for all kinds of builds. Wouldn't throw one in a system war though, unless your on the whole time.
Doesnt matter what mix of build IMO. Hybrid hitters will kill any hansels tats not selfpinning. Unless it's a lb level kinda bfa no normal hansel can withstand a hybrid hitters atk wi 13pots/spell up even at below 20% troop, considering roughly the same level of combined stats. Due to the 25% limitation a bc hansel will hav less than 1mil def. While a bc hybrid hitter will hav at least 2mil plus of atk. Considering ard 145mil of atk power from 13pots, (say spell are negated by opponent same spells) plus say 20% of yr atk stats while ffp, it's hard for any hansel not to leak plunder to hybrid hitters. (again depending on propacks, reset bonus, bfa and equipment of both players) hybrid hansels are double edged swords in sys war. But manage them well and they proof invaluable In getting consistent plunder feeding on hansels while selfpinning from bigger atk builds. Timely Deployment of hybrids is the key. In stalemate sys war openings when both side send spy builds waiting for "meat", hybrid hitters will brk the ice. Unsuspecting hitters will be tempted to hit the hybrid hitter and thus activate itself in war. Thus more "meat" to jump on. And obviously send them out when they can be actively selfpinning. Many times I send jus a few hybrids to feed on inactive hansels over late nights while waiting for rest of the clan to wake up. Say 30mil x 2atks per regen. Tats 60mil x 12 per hr. Jus need 5,6 hrs of ffp and the hybrid hitter would hav a plunder potential of 3-4b. Tats gd contribution to me for a 24hrs war while limiting opponent's plunder by virtue of gd self pinning discipline.
All very funny to read. All builds have faults and benefits. It's the combination of these builds that make a war clan strong.
Yes. No perfect builds. It's always a paper-scissor-stone kinda relationship between builds. Most important is activeness and coordinated actions. Not all can ffp or active throughout entire war. most hav family, work and other rl commitments. thus timing, deployments and understanding builds and mechanics do helps.
Updates wi Some observations Previously my 42k atk hansel hav ard 15% max scouting a low bfa bc hitter wi 4mil def when opponent is near pinned. I used 13atk pots vs 11def pots. 1 mithril spell vs no spell. Ft vs near pinned. A recent test shows 1-4% on a 2.5mil def naked hitter. I try unloading and I was getting like 6,7 hit in out of 10. 13 atk pots vs 0 pot. Both no spell. Ft vs near pinned. Again the new eb pots dun seems to reflect in the % when u scout. I always get much better success rates of hits than the figures reflected from scouting Spells really helps a hansel. I'll try to hit the same latter target with spell on after work lol
Oh the same 42k atk stats hansel was used in both above mentioned case. I hav crappy Allies 74k atk bfa. I do hav 9mil atk bonus from equipments. And 20% atk bonus from packs.
Findings will definitely be more accurate and hav more credibility if I knew exactly what bonus from opponents hav. Anyone wan gimme a hand with this? Lol
Yes alpha tats wat I usually do. Until new def eb pots is available, the 2 new atk pots is giving Hansels and hybrids unprecedented advantages. There's not a lot of builds out there with a lot of def towers. So once u managed to brg hitter builds troop level down wi assa, it's ez to cont sit on them by utilizing 13pots and spells. Let other hitters go fight someone stronger or wi more troop in the roster. While our hansels stay pinned while sitting on opponent hansels or hitter builds (less those with crazy amount of bfa. ) Dun trust the success % from scouting if u using 13pots (well most ppl I noe dun even scout b4 atk anyway). Jus try hitting with 13pots and spells. The actually result usually is 2-4x higher than the figures reflected. And obviously work on atk bfa, chase equipments tat offers atk bonus (not those in %), pro pack if u wan and of course loads and loads of the new atk pots. I luv the kick of atking and sitting on hi stats hitter builds wi a Hansel with jus few hundred k of atk stats
Another gr8 way to capitalize on the power of 13pots Sent my noob pc alt for sys war. 135k atk. Ard 900k combined. Only 1 helmet, no propack, no reset bonuses. Crappy bfa enough only for Max plunder. No spells. Only had 10 rocks. I hit thru a 3mil plus combined with 13 pots no spell. He had ard 1.5mil def, 11 def pot. Got ard 27mil from the hit. If he hit me back most prob will get 500k to 1mil? Oh crap.... He's from my own roster.... Tats y theres no tax deducted.... Anyway TAts y I like sending understats to war. U hit them for 20,30mil while they get like 2,3mil from u. And by clearing own gold they get one hit on u (unless they hybrid or hansel) while u can jackpot hit them as much as yr eb pots and troop allows In low level wars, big stats dun guarantee a win. Cus there's no "meat"for u to hit and gain much plunder. While opponent jus need a lucky hit (if they not smart enough to grab some eb pots) and the side with the smaller roster could end up winning
Dun really need to rely on bfa much until there's new eb def and spy def pots. Most of my tests and experiments is on crappy bfa. Spell helps. But it's the 75mil worth of atk power from te two pots tats the killer
It's sad that people can't comprehend he did his damn best to write something that is not his first language. I like my build so far