Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!! What the hell is coming out of your mouth? All i hear is stupid dribble fit for a 3 yr old. I was built by hitting osf and botting? Have you seen me?!?! If i was botting id be a hell of a lot bigger! And i'm loling at the osf part. Look at my join date retard, I started long after osf's became pointless. But your not disappointing me thats for sure! Come on foxy, give me some more ass-talk!
Oh ya, and i have never done a pwar. So if your gonna come at me with that level of butthurt you seem to thrive at, at least make your insults semi accurate.
Jesus Christ must I lower myself to this inbreds standards... So dude what your then admitting to (if you never hit a pwar in your small little in fact just a talentless newbie who's only known kaw for its epic battles? Awww that's so cute
Oh im sorry I wasn't aware bending over and letting clans run fb's on me was what real warriors do, because thats what you did as an osf right. *round of applause* We gots a warrior right 'hur folks!!!! Ive been playing for less then a year,the last 5 months have almost been exclusively osw. Nope I'm not saying I compare to the people that have been warring for years, but don't roll through spouting off your pwar prowess like its an accomplishment, it's pathetic.
Yeah dionise, it is only a game. But look at the rage. Oh the noob rage. TnT soz'ard.. You go with your bad self.
Lol the rage? Notice the comments? Only person raging is you. I'm kickin back with a 6 pack enjoying the noobness.
The argument between tnt and foxy has kinda left this thread in the dust. Allow me to bring it back on track. Hybrid builds are essentially a build that is versatile. The owner/operator must know how to use it though. There were some posts earlier suggesting this. As an attack heavy towered small hybrid, i can: Pin an attack build twice my size at the sacrifice of a few
spies Pin hansels with scouts and attack for large plunder Earn very good plunder in ebs Attack hlbc attack builds in ee wars coming out of ko with full pots/mith (unless bfa is massive) Be effective in osw And generally have a blast in kaw Hybrid FTW!
I personally love my new build. Have always been attack build but recently changed to hybrid. Better for EE wars and 1v1. Plunder on eb's is lower tho lol