Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Dante-, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Good thread and I like my hybrid build works well for most things
  2. @Foxy-Thats some big talk for an eb chump with 4k losses...you get those by failing items on haunts?
  3. Lol foxy, just look at my ee track record being one of the smallest in one of the biggest clans vs the biggest and best out there :) i love my build.

    Spy heavy hybrid gets no love lol
  4. F0xy = idiot
  5. Hybrid builds - who even builds them anymore. There no good for anything. Can't ee with them, can't OSW with them, so what are they for, Hitting quests ? 
  6. TnT...

    I'm Suprised in you and quite frankly litrally pissing my self laughing at you.

    It would'nt have anything to do with the fact that this account was pure spy for a very long time an therefore (because I'm a very clever girl and I know how to bank) not really Occuring any fight losses because all my losses went on to assassinations/steals/scouts..

    But please tell me that the un-intelligent little crap bag knows that they don't count towards your total of losses because of how the origanl osfs used it to LB with their fight totals back when Pissy little fridgid tools like you didn't exist. 

    Now, which little tool should I own next
  7. Hmmmmm......
    I'm Hybrid.
    My build always comes in Top 10 for Plunder.

    LL> 19 SoS, 5 Spy Def Fortresses
    HL> 12 Volary, 2 Tortured Gardens, 11 Colony

    I've enough time to unload all my troops n plunder the Living Daylights out of Hansels.
    And, I've enough time to SKO
  8. My my Foxy, you insignificant Hansel.

    Thankfully my owner is a She. Lol
  9. I am Insignificate. I have never claimed to be more then what I am.

    If I have to step and crunch on a few balls in the process of my "Insignificateness" then so be it.

    No need to get butt hurt princess
  10. Now alls I need is a post from Alison and my day will be complete
  11. Wow Foxy sounds butt hurt to me lol

    Here's some cream

  12. Oops I see a Superbly Butt Hurt Princess called Foxy Roxey. Lol
  13. Bwahahahaha!!! Your surprised in me? My apologies, I should have realized you were previously a pure spy.

    Wait...you were a pure spy and you are insulting peoples builds?! Omg tell me more!!!!

    You are just making yourself look stupid foxy, blaring into a thread full of butthurt before anybody even acknowledges you. But don't let me stop you, lets see how much dumb **** can come out of your mouth at once.

    Whose got the popcorn?
  14. I like my build 
  15. Just glanced at a few stats and see interpretations of hybrids. I do see many would be lamps to the slaughter.
    I hybrid is a mid clan fighter. A strong point highly defensive deadly in pin fights against any peer. A spy attack force weaker than a hansel or weaker than an attack is just plain weaker. Seems many hybrids don't base their build on war experience.
    Dont mistake sudden turtle tower" oh don't hit me" players for hybrids.
  16. hybirds are very good at making fast plunder and very good with high bfa :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  17. yup :lol:
  18. I look stupid? Says the fap tard biting at my bait

    See, what the crap filled little rat (TnT) fails to mention is THAT when he, himself, was a plunder war fairy, he, himself, used and abused builds like mine to "grow" so he can post his little rants (that clearly need some work) but yet he's making himself look like a self righteous hypocrite. Dude you so scary with your Build that you used by farming an osf or pure spy botting for you, giving your attitude when your account was built for you with builds like mine.

    Sit down pup and learn some manners. There's a good dog.
  19. Oh and to the glory seekers jumping on the band wagon...

    Go seek your daily need for public attention else where, I'll shrink you already pin peens before you've figured out how to use them