Reason why many don't like hybrid is because they don't have high enough stats to fend off BC spy or attack builds. Granted if you get enough in allies and or equipment it makes up for your lower stats a bit.
I'm a spy heavy hybrid :lol: 22 guilds... Just my other 14 buildings are t4s so i look a really crap troop build :cry:
Attack heavy hybrid. I like my build. I get hit by a full attack, I can usually get em back spy style. Get hit by spy/hansel, I can attack and scout to keep em pinned.
You forgot a hybrid i forget what it is called but it only has balenced attack buildings and guilds about 50-50 of each and it has an edge to the troop but some spy stats.
@ justice. i seem to remember owning you not long ago. ibsee you have changed your banner from the last time i spanked you like a school girl. i know how to use my build apparently. @ dante. hybrids are a lot of fun and youu can build it to your liking. i enjoy my build in any situation. good to see you back in forums as well. cheers!
Lmao at Dredreaper. My banner at that time was "those who don't return hits sadden me" or something along those lines and so I hit you 1 time off the battle list and you unloaded on me, we then happily went our seperate ways after a laugh, but if you insist you 'smacked me around' we can spar when your ready. Cf terms are yours I'll have the same terms as you.
I personally don't like this build but I am forced to go this way until I'm completly finished building
I'm. Extremely happy with my current build. I don't have trouble hitting my intended targets and much bigger spies need to be potted up to successfully win against me. This is a new build for me but so far I'm loving the atk heavy hubrid