Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Dante-, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Might I add you are on mith.
  2. Keep swinging. I like it that way.
  3. Ah yes. I had mith on for a target who came out of EE earlier so was fully mithed. C'mon Justine. You act the badass, you gonna play it?
  4. So what exactly do you want me to do for you?
    Hit you?
    But I might waste them troops that I never use :?

    Pm me bruh
    Don't want to kill your thread.
  5. Hmmm. Interesting thread.
  6. Hmm, attack heavy hybrids are vulnerable to most builds? My analysis based on experience seems to be the exact opposite. Sure some builds give it trouble as with any build choice but seems to have the advantage over most
  7. Not sure what category my build comes under, but I've always been pretty happy with it for OSW and EE. EB plunder ok, but not shooting the lights out .

    Oh, and quite effective against builds like Justice'. 
  8. Hybrid build is great if you have only one acct
  9. Lmao :D Would you like to test that theory as well Justice?
  10. No thankyou, I've got more than just my hands full 
  11. ^huh ? What else is full ?
  12. Okay. Personally hybrid's rock.
    I'd just like to point out. How a build's ran(who i do me) is far, far more important then the build its self. A build is nothing if an idiot runs it. Its killer if used right. Just saying.
  13. @armory

    Build doesn't effect the Ally LB. if you had a guild hansel with 30 tr you'd be on it ;)

    So not really relevant to the discussion
  14. Dagsy 1 - Justice 0
    I'll hack that.
  15. Your hacking on things? 
  16. :? Okay then...
  17. Mostly depends on the player to be honest. Any build can be bad or beast depending who's on the controls.
  18. If you are using a tower hybrid you are more than likely participating in EE wars, the EE bonus should help make up the plunder lost through towers.
  19. I really like my build, its good in ee and osw.