You do realize that Houston has the 1st openly lesbian mayor in the country? most of Texas is rabidly republican BUT Austin (I think it's in Travis county) is very liberal. Sheila Jackson Lee representative from Houston is one of the most far left wing members of the house. Everyone trashes Texas for being overly conservative ...and "geographically" it is (mostly sparcely populated counties) but go to Austin, Houston, Dallas ....and trust me there's a pretty healthy ratio balance of liberals to conservatives, unlike here in the DC area. It's flaming liberal here & if you don't goose step in line with the liberal agenda here you will get ostracized. (Same in the country in Texas ...not the cities) I'm an independent (be a free thinker, don't be a slave to political dogma)
And remember how he refused to send aid to the east coast then demanded it when his state was flooded? What a guy
I wasn't dissing you ..for the most part I agree with a lot your political statements. In general EVERYONE should NOT follow political dogma a free thinker. You seem to be pretty current on what's going on
And yeah I agree Cruz is a complete IDIOT as a lot of Texas politicians are, Rick Perry is another moron lol we haven't had a good Governer in a while. Ann Richards was the last good one ...Cruz is an embarrassment to the state and perpetuates the false bad image Texas has.