Hurricane Patricia

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. Maybe we just haven't learned yet. We dont need any more democrats.
  2. In all honesty though, what do you think the Republicans have done for you in the past few decades?
  3. @Dmc no one has done anything in the past century, we still arguing over all same stuff
  4. I say we build a big wall along the Texas-Mexico border.. To keep the hurricane out.
  5. Here is a bone. Biden tested horrible. Even when Liz Warren was added. The establishment is pulling for Hillary Clinton. CNN is the Clinton News Network.

    The only person testing better than Sanders is Trump. When Carson is added to the Trump ticket it's almost unbeatable, accept by Hillary Clinton. The full political machine is being turned on. The people waiting for Biden to decide, Obama democrats will be most likely backing Clinton.

    All of them are establishment. Their are no outsider front runners. Trump has been playing politics for 30 years. Sander has been his whole life. That is establishment. Carson has been groomed, so he is also establishment.

    Like I said, have fun fighting for scraps. If you aren't being paid you are really wasting your time. We have 30 year olds trying to be trendy and relevant supporting the kids choice. That makes it easy for the rest of us to spot the full politurds.

    I tested Biden/Warren extensively. It was a full on fail, Warren isn't as popular as some made out, and Biden can't defeat Clinton.

    You will be voting for Clinton or Trump/Carson in the general. No sense in wasting time backing a loser. It will a lot clear at the end of next summer when the adults start paying attention.
  6. In my decades the only time ive ever paid any attention to politics is when obama came around. I know bush sucked too but we could do better than both of them. And none of the top polling democrats are that "better" im looking for.
  7. Hydra, just because the media is saying Clinton is winning doesn't mean she is. The people support Bernie. The only way he loses is through extensive gerrymandering which isn't unheard of. The fact that Trump or Carson is the pick for the GOP really shows how much of a joke they have become. Rand is clearly the best choice for them yet he's almost unheard of compared to the leaders. It's sad. Want to talk about American dependency? Screw welfare, most people depend on news networks to spoon feed them their information. Those people deserve to be lied to. Information like wealth isn't handed to you it has to be earned. But right now we have a system that hands false information to people and hands wealth to a select few who are already wealthy. It's backwards.
  8. Bernie is worse than Hillary and that's saying something. 
  9. Samaritan's Purse is on standby waiting to get in to help victims.

  10. Do you have any supporting argument or is that your opinion?
  11. I have a supporting argument but I'm not going to convince you so no point in posting it.
  12. True. But I'm also not afraid of the word socialism and know the difference between it and communism. I also know the difference between socialism and democratic socialism. I also know that without socialism capitalism becomes fascism. Your 40 hour work week, overtime pay, public roads, public schools, police and fire departments, military, child labor laws, etc. All thanks to democratic socialism.

    Hillary is nothing more than a corporate shill who changes her beliefs to acquire votes. Bernie is the only candidate who has been fighting the same fight for the people since he began.
  13. Thats all good stuff. Now will you tell us how he plans to pay for all of this? He has big spending plans.

    He wants to raise taxes..
    To pay for health care free college and raising the minimum wage...
    And to "combat" climate change.
  14. Well I can tell you it isn't by taxing us all 90% like the fear mongers will tell you. But by shifting our military budget slightly, education could be easily paid for with money that's already there.

    While we're on the subject of a 90% tax rate the only thing close to that ever happening was when FDR taxed the super rich at high percentages and holy crap, it got us out of the Great Depression.

    Trickle down economics have never and will never work because wealth doesn't trickle down. Especially when those given the benefits ship those jobs overseas for pennies on the dollar and tax loopholes to pad their profits.

    Remember the pots and pans revolution in Iceland? Probably not. American media never reported it as throwing corrupt bankers and politicians in jail isn't a story they want the American people to hear. We are meant to be good little consumers, don't ask questions just trample each other on Black Friday. Shut down the government to avoid paying for healthcare.

    One month of war in Iraq would cover the annual Environmental Protection Agency's budget.

    War drains our economy. The only people getting rich off the spoils are the same people who call themselves job creators yet ship those jobs overseas for the aforementioned benefits. And you should realize that the minuscule money they pay their employees isn't even cycled back into this country's economy. Talk about a financial black hole. American lives for profit that only trickles down to us in the form of debt and financial ruin. Wake the hell up. You are a product of greed.
  15. We went from Hurricane Patricia, to God,Homos,cooking steak and politics in 6 pages. Mod should lock for derailment.
  16. He has already said hes raising taxes.
  17. And I support that. I would rather pay more for an educated society with medical insurance than to pay less for an idiotic society hellbent on bombing brown people
  18. I live in Texas. It's definitely not even close to flooding ALL of Texas. The rain throughout tornado season was far worse earlier this year.
  19. Thats great for you. You should do it. But that doesnt mean you should force all other people to pay for this sfuff.

    And especially for something as idiotic as free college.

    Businvalue value educated people. They want specifically people who have studied these fields in college.

    So all these people that have paid so much money in colleges are all of the sudden just a raindrop in the sea because one man said "Everybody deserves free college"

    And not to mention when demand goes down so does the price they are willing to pay.

    Do you not understand the economic strain this will have on us? Not just our government but at home and in business as well. All of this would be achieved through higher taxes.
  20. Or how about donate as a good person and don't want something for a good deed you greedy bastard
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