Hurricane Patricia

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. I didn't bring politics in. I just implied I wouldn't mind Texas getting hit by the strongest hurricane ever. :)
  2. Both idiots yes. But in different ways.

    Liberal economical policies are laughable, as are social ones of the conservatives. The ultimate joke is this political correction stuff going around, makes me sick. And that's why I'm voting for Trump.
  3. Hence why I wish Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul would run together as neither accepts Super Pac cash and their ideas could mesh and find compromise to aid the 99%.

  4. backdoor?
  5. dont leave your backdoor open during a flood lol all that meat...

  6. Nope nvm

    You lost me there 

    The guy has no plans to do anything besides supposedly kick out Mexicans and Muslims. The only thing he's done is give racists and bigots a safe haven to flaunt their prejudices. The guy is an absolute joke. And people saying "I'm voting for him because he speaks his mind". Yeah my alcoholic uncle did that a lot too. Didn't make him president material.

    Yeah political correctness is a bane on society. But being an open racist isn't a counter to that at all. That's just being an ignoramus.
  7. Trump is just a more republican version of hillary.
  8. As least Trump doesn't lie every word out of his mouth.
  9. Just FYI trump said in '98 life magazine that if he ran for pres he would run republican because they are stupid and only listen to what fox news tells them.
  10. Don't get me started on Hillary. She has the liberal media in her back pocket as Trumps does the conservative media. It's pathetic what the American political system has become. A mudslinging, propaganda fest where the candidates who talk about real issues are dismissed. Which is why the two party system needs to come to an end
  11. I feel like you support rand
  12. You should snopes that. It's actually not true. As much as I hate the guy and everything he stands for, spreading falsities like he does doesn't help the situation
  13. No I'm voting for Bernie. Rand is a relatively close second, but since he's running in a party that is so divided they can't figure out if they want to to fix the economy or kick out any one who isn't a white Christian out of the country. Moderate libertarian ideas are the perfect compromise with democratic socialist ideas. Which is why I believe that Sanders and Paul would be the perfect pair to cut through the BS and actually help the country instead of keeping it in limbo like every other candidate will do, aided by the money of the Koch brothers or George Sorros.
  14. Sanders and Paul are proven sell outs already. I wouldn't expect this crowd to take the blinders off to notice though.

    Have fun backing a loser. Nice politics on a weather thread. It's a perfect example of this degenerate communities issues.

    Ain't on no one listening. Blame it on our ADD
  15. stahp with these stupid donation threads. we all know it ain't gonna happen
  17. My life won't change regardless of who is elected. Have fun fighting for the scraps.
  18. for just $1 a day we can provide poor kids in Africa iPads so they can like us on social media
  19. That is after we CROWD FUND THEM WIFI!
  20. It was the American government with there weather control device
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