Hunter Trophy Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Hunger trophy0.0 why won't kaw_community feed his community?!?
  2. :lol:
  3. The Hunter Trophy Leader Board has been updated.
  4. And why are we not surprised that the leaders are sitting in hte clans? Pay to win anyone?
  5. Basically. In b2b AFF and only getting one of the items. But been active for the past 12 hours easy. Wish every epic would drop all items but it's random.... Hte is the only way to really get the numbers, not activity.
  6. devs,plz take out HTE from the line-up,that eb is the biggest waste (oh its a red eb & we added a pay2play bar so now not all ppl have equal chances @ winning events & aquiring gold,bring back 2x-5x drops & gold....those small promos is where clans actually did different ebs...since then its been fangs,moths,feathers,swarms,arrows,limbs,crux,shards,wisps.....&now we got trophys&favors.....go back to some old events (multiplier event) b4 these HTE clans wreck all of kaw,just make it so we cant purchase anymore & maybe increase drop rates of sod's/let other ebs drop em clans need to run actual ebs 4 their size & ppl can actually have a choice of ebs.i know kaw needs to get paid but theres other ways of going about it...i would like to see some legendary things 4 sale in the marketplace banners/1000% crux sure ppl will pay for those....let us all have a chance tho,seems the main lb players are in constant max gold ebs like hte.which means that the rest of us dont have a cold chance in H E double hockey sticks!! what happened to it being a pormotional eb.wasnt this supposed to be gone after 3-4 months....2&1/2 yrs now & still there. who would have guessed? devs u have failed kaw,go now & obliterate urself w the lambo's we got 4 ya last xmas,quit suckin the fun out of this game,plz&ty.......that is all
  7. Just one thing^

    Pvp side. I haven't spent a penny yet, and I'm smashing it. You choose the pay to play side can't have a rant about how hte is the only way to get anywhere in the event.
  8. Says the man in an hte clan 
  9. Support
  10. So is this the eg fairy lb?
  11. 2nd 
  12. For the 31st leaderboard their clans must do b2b hte
  13. Come on and update it already... I am not a patient person. :shock:
  14. We want an update!
  15. devs don't do updates on sunday. its against their laziness.