this is a fake argument. This type of argument assumes that unless every possible conceivable instance of the problem can be prevented, then nothing can or should be done. And in making the argument, the person making it has to go to ridiculous extremes to make their point. It is like arguing that the only way to stop child abuse is to keep everyone from having children. Further, because that is the only way that child abuse could actually be fully stopped, no one should bother with laws, police or community intervention, public education on the issue, or any number of actual options that could reduce and hopefully control the problem. Realistically, people can live with cars, cell phones, etc . . ., and still work to lessen (not extinguish) our effects on the environment and climate. That is not even a difficult distinguishment to make. And there is plenty of room for debate within a realistic framework. So the only reason someone would use a dishonest argument like the quoted one, would be because (a) they don't want an actual intelligent debate, (b) they know they will lose if they have to debate on actual facts, or (3) because they are an idiot who can't tell the sifference.
Lol not in a global cooling cycle tell that to the north east u.s.a that has had record breaking low temps tires and snow still falling as of yesterday The data on your fact check. Org is only the data they have been collecting for 25 years that is not long enough for computer program to project any future related items for climate change Also statistical data can be used both ways 1998 would be a outlier so you would not use that data to skew the statistics For the last 5 years it has not been no where near as hot as it was before who is that to say it is not something that is naturally occurring? Ice burgs are melting ohhhh no duh ice burgs melt every summer and form back every winter may not be in the same place as before the ocean does move
@ Don What part of the planet just had the warmest winter on record are you not understanding? Earth had warmest winter on record ... /24957737/ Warmest Winter in History: More than 20 Cities Break or Tie All-Time Records ... -2014-2015 You think that because it was cold in the American North East that somehow invalidates the temperatures everywhere else?
I didn't say that it invalidates temperatures else where what I said was they have only been studying climate change( global warming) for the last 20-25 years and that data is not enough to prove anything do you realize that there is no perfect science to anything and that this may be a way for Mother Nature to heal its self so to speak in other words we need more data that is not compiled by a computer program that humans have programmed to project any type of findings Yes people are slowly causing havoc but it is no where near the havoc that volcanos or other naturally occurring events cause.
it is funny when people say save the earth and all when it is really save the people lmao. There are lots of end of the world scenarios that still leaves some life on earth. But of course none of that involves us still being around. All the things we should stop doing like using fossil fuels won't happen until they are diminished beyond capitalizing on. And sadly we will just not ever run out of them in our lifetimes and probably in kids lifetimes. So we will never see these changes we are talking about ever happen. Should we drastically alter the way we do things to stop destroying all the potential forces of life on our planet ? Totally but it's not gonna happen through legislation soooo have fun and raise your kids right I guess is my plan.
Tha don they've been studying weather patterns significantly longer then 20 yrs and we have accurate weather data going back over 100 yrs in some areas. Every time the science behind climate change has been challenged it's been tested and additional evidence found to support or deeper understand the long term trends. When the pentagon and the oil companies start to make plans based on something it's probably a good idea to accept that it's happening and try to help rather than sticking you heads in the sand and screaming the science isn't right.
The science is right but the reasons aren't. As everyone with a brain is saying. The earth is in an constant state if change, it's always changing climates. If this wasn't we'd still be in a extremely hot environment and our main air would be C02 But since the world is always changing it's going to be forcing life to adapt or die. Where evolution came from. You can scream how humans are speeding it up but really in the 1000s of years it's taken for the ice caps to melt we have made so little impact on the planet it's about 100/200 years quicker than it should kinda small when you compare it with the last 10,000 years. The ice will freeze over again and people will be I told you so environment hippies. Fun fact. The oil isn't running out it's just becoming too expensive to reach the oils. On averaged we are only able to refine 33% of a oil vein due to it costing more than the oil companies will get in profit.
Aaah my heart bleeds for BIG OIL... Guess how many cities will be underwater when the ice caps r fully melted n then tell me who's around to talk about it?
Ashes I think only your parent in bred and all the people in Tasmania. End of the world i think not, end of humanity some would argue humanity died years ago while mankind continues to live. There is one thing we know for sure time will tell as does history - the evidence of previous global warming pre man. The question is what caused the previous global warming and ice ages pre man.
Lol you believe google and there are many different explanations which one do you believe. Me as it appears to be a cyclic occurrence I'll go with that
Yes but these would also discount the effect mankind is having on the environment as it is inevitable in a cyclic natural event anyway
That's good cities are death traps anyway. City people believe they are the smartest, but the live in boxes and have to have everything brought to them. If truck shipments stopped arriving in major cities they would starve to death. Cities cause a lot of the climate change problems. Let them sink!! It isn't the uneducated hillbillies living in a single family home on a hill side. It's the millions of city dwellers who have to have everything brought to them. Water, food, clothes. All the toys they like to have. All the drugs and alcohols they consume. They can't make anything. Is all city people do is talk and push paper. Even the workers who build the cities, a lot come from outside the city. So why should we be concerned about losing New York City. Or Miami?