Humanity is dying

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. The climate has definitely been rising…

    For the last 6,000 years since the last ice age.
  2. I said humans have done very little to the climate. Never did I say the world wasn't changing. I mean reread what I posted....

    I said the world as already been thou 10 ice ages in the past. Suggesting the worlds climate is always changing.

    I sometimes wonder if anyone actually reads instead of assuming things.
  3. My facts may be off but I believe Global Warming has been scientifically proved because of the effects that the greenhouse effect has on the earths climates. Where the greenhouse gases get absorbed and then are re-released and are radiated in all directions which is slowly affecting the climate. I'm not entirely sure if that is 100% correct but I certainly believe that the greenhouse effect is a mjor cause of Global Warming.
  4. This is another bogus theory that will be debunked in time. Nothing else needs to be said here.
  5. Actually it's been disproven as much as it's been "proven". It's a theory, one that isn't widely accepted throughout the world.
  6. You can always look at the data shown over the course of years that the climate has progressively been warming up.

    Does global warming exist? In many ways yes, but humans have contributed to this. The amount is small but human contribution has still expediated the process. What we create are harmful chemicals, CFC's, carbon air based pollutants (cars, smog from factories), we pollute rivers and lakes with our garbage and toxic waste.... As a species we've managed to destroy earth more than any other thing living here :lol:

    Saying people haven't done anything to affect our earth is single handedly one of the most ignorant statements a person could make... Sorry I'm not sorry 
  7. Global warming is a natural process. Happened before, is happening now and will happen in the future. Actual global warming is the trigger for next glacial era. Is how Earth climate works. Global warming is causing arctic glaciers to melt faster so the ocean is getting more cold fresh water. This is causing a slowdown of Gulf stream the one that transport warm waters from tropical areas to the arctic areas. Less warm waters that reach on arctic area will cause glaciars to freeze again. Is just a cycle.
  8. Anyone logical can understand we are way over populated for nature its self. Humanity will end soon at this rate on how everyone lives. A solution can work to eliminate the useless in society (kinda like Hitler did with the gays,special needs,ex)
  9. What's wrong with gays? Actually they have the answer for overpopulation. Let's all turn gay. Problem solved.
  10. That just brings in a new problem
  11. The population explosion is very real, countries expanding, demands for food water and fuel rising with no clear plan how to facilitate these growing Needs, when a population grows exponentially within it's own boarders using up all of there own resources until there's nothing left the only thing they can do is expand into other territories peacefully or non peacefully with the resulting wars being humanity's only natural predator and the only way, apart from disease, of culling numbers to a maintainable number that the earth can support.
  12. We currently produce more food than needed, only increasing due gentech.
    We can make drinking water out of sea water.
    Population in western countries is actually becoming stable, predicted it will decrease a bit in 50 years or so.
    Soon china/india/africa and idk what other countries develop more population will grow less...
    And global warming, yes humans stimulate it, is it bad? Not for earth
  13. Not enough lube or what?
  14. Nah no baby's born but that too
  15. Global warming is a completely natural process... Currently we are converting from ice age to a hotter age. Yes humans have increased the rate of global warming but not as much as people believe. There are plenty of statistics to show that hotter temperature and more rainfall (caused by climate change) increases the ammount of growth made by plants. In turn these plants help reduce co2 levels and slingshot us back to an ice age. Once we are in an ice age less trees grow so we are put back into a warming state. And so the cycle continues. The only thing losing energy is the sun and that has a very long time to go.

    Population is rising but as countries become richer they have less children (which are too expensive). Eventually it will even out (estimated at 12b population before it evens out I think). From there we will mostly be stable untill we begin colonizing other planets (if we do :lol: ). Because of this we will have a stable supply of resources. We humans are cleverer than we give ourselves credit. Right now researchers are developing ways to create clean energy and improve crop yields.

    I don't like geography, but in this case it was useful :lol:
  16. And op. I demand you change your name to EarthsDemise
  17. I do NOT support this message-Dr.Tanner

    PhD from Oxford
    Graduate class of gtfo
    My diploma is made out of
  18. Worlds gonna End in my lifetime? Never heard this one before!
  19. Eh,

    Maybe we need to die.