Hydro shock look at the data and it will explain everything I was giving facts from a guy who worked for nasa that says almost all the data that has been collected since 1972 has been false I am not against making the world a better place I'm against corrupt politicians gaining more from the people than what goes in to saving the planet For example if the U.S. Stopped driving and cut emissions to 0 China will still produce more the data is skewed because it does not separate the over populated inner cities to the county
AKA free enterprise... Make money n free to pollute n back governments to get protection from clean ups. No right wing thinking government would make business pay for what they create. Big Biz rather have the taxpayer pay the tab. Historic. Biggest farce of all the EPA
Just think the EPA is doing a study right now to see how much co2 a persons barbe q grill produces its stupid that these agency's inacted by the people for the people are charging the people not millions but billions of dollars
Tax payers have always payed for everything Back to the ice caps melting simple solution to it Google picture and see if it's shrinking or not Just like the whole in the stratosphere above Antarctica which was growing bigger because of CFCs which is now shrinking
and we can read all about it in his new book that hell send us when we sign up for his cult nd pay our initiation fees nd dues and subscribe to his newsletter (giggle) not a scam at all (wink)
Ok. Looks like it's shrinking to me. As I pointed out earlier, the Arctic is losing ice rapidly. At the other pole, Antarctic sea ice is increasing, but the land ice is shrinking. As for the "whole" in the stratosphere above Antarctica, you're referring to the Ozone layer hole. The reason that's shrinking is because WE FIXED THE PROBLEM. "September 11, 2014 - Stratospheric ozone depletion, an environmental crisis in the 1980s, can now be considered an environmental triumph thanks to global cooperation in combating it...Courtesy of the Montreal Protocol, a global treaty passed in 1987 to phaseout ozone depleting substances like chlorofluorocarbons (commonly found in spray cans and refrigerants at the time), ozone depletion has stopped and may soon reverse course." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/cap ... ort-finds/ It didn't just magically heal itself. We stopped pumping CFC's into the atmosphere. It was the same thing with deniers then too. First, there was no problem. Then, CFC's weren't causing it. Next, it would be too expensive to fix it. They were wrong. Speaking of wrong, I heard from a guy at NASA who says your guy at NASA is wrong. So there. I win. Seriously Don, post a name, a link, or something. A "guy who worked for nasa" isn't exactly a credible source. There are lots of guys at NASA. Some are more credible than others. Is this guy a scientist or a janitor?
German scientist are also doing good work in this field. They seem to think the activist are a little off as well. We will see how it plays out. Don't take my word. Go look for yourself. You don't need dragons links to study this. I mean you guys are activist. You aren't scientist. So...we will see. I think the governments of the world have control of the situation. Regardless of what you, the masses have to say.
Pay for what they create? Hell, right wingers apologize when we try to hold them accountable. "June 17, 2010 Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, the top Republican on the committee, apologized to Hayward for what he described as a "shakedown" at the White House yesterday. He was referring to the deal worked out between the Obama administration and BP to set up a $20 billion fund administered by a third party to pay for damages from the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. "I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday," Barton said. "I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case, a $20 billion shakedown." http://www.cbsnews.com/news/rep-joe-bar ... own-video/ Requiring BP to pay for the mess they created was a "Shakedown". Go figure. Remember the chemical spill in West Virgina just last year when 300,000 residents within nine counties in were without access to potable water? The people were so upset West Virgina passed new laws with tighter regulations and more inspections. A year later, guess what? "February 5, 2015 - Bill could leave only 90 tanks covered by rules, W.Va. DEP data show As few as 90 of the thousands of chemical storage tanks across West Virginia might be covered by new state Department of Environmental Protection safety requirements passed after last year’s Freedom Industries leak, if legislation introduced this week passes, according to a new analysis of DEP data. That’s 0.2 percent of the nearly 44,000 tanks listed in a database the DEP put together with owner registrations...It’s not clear when lawmakers plan to take up the legislation. The House bill has 11 co-sponsors, including Minority Leader Tim Miley, D-Harrison, and three other Democrats. A similar Senate bill (SB423), introduced Thursday, has 13 sponsors, including seven Democrats." http://www.wvgazette.com/article/201502 ... /150209448 Store whatever you want next to our water supply. We don't need to know what it is or make sure it's stored properly. We wouldn't want to inconvenience businesses. To be fair, that's a bi-partisan effort in West Virgina to screw the people over in favor of businesses. Democrats aren't completely innocent. They're just usually less insane than Republicans.
Not be a pest. Which I am. A very good one. Carbon emission were stabilized last year. All the effort we all have put in is paying off. These guys are just a touch behind the times. Good luck to you all. There is no need to beat a dead horse on this forum. The adults in the real world will work this out. So don't worry about the world ending, or any other fear related issue related to this topic. This world will be here long after we are gone. Peace.
Article reads as followed Are we experiencing global cooling? A cool Arctic summer allowed nearly a million more squre miles of ice to form over the same time last year. This figure represents a growth of 60 percent. The incredible arctic ice growth after the record low of 2012 is significant. Just six years ago, a science article from the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free by the summer of 2013. The indication of global cooling indicates the opposite. According to monitors, the Arctic now features an unbroken ice sheet that is larger than half of Europe. The sheet stretches from the Canadian islands all the way to Russia's northern shores. What's more, the Arctic's Northwest Passage has been blocked by ice all year. More than 20 yachts that attempted to sail the passage were left ice bound. A cruise ship was also forced to turn back around. Due to the latest data, scientists now believe Earth is headed for a global cooling phase that extends until the middle of the century. If the cooling phase is real, then the process will debunk all forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming. Six years ago, BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free by the summer of 2013. In fact, scientists in the US even claimed that the forecast was conservative. The BBC's 2007 article quoted scientist Professor Wieslaw Maslowski, who presented data produced by super-computer models to support his predictions. "We use a high-resolution regional model for the Arctic Ocean and sea ice," said Maslowski. Professor Masloski believed his results were significantly more realistic than other predictions because other models "underestimate the amount of heat delivered to the sea ice." Professor Peter Wadhams also supported Professor Maslowski, claiming Maslowski's model was more efficient due to its ability to acount for processes that may occur to ice internally. "This is not a cycle; not just a fluctuation. In the end, it will all just melt away quite suddenly," said Wadhams. The 60 percent ice growth and the indication of global cooling was discovered 11 months after the Mail on Sunday sparked heated political and scientific debate when an article claimed that global warming halted since 1997. The Mail claims that computer models used by climate experts were critically flawed. In March, the Mail further predicted, with "90 percent certainty," that temperatures may drop and move away from computer model forecasts. The evidence of global cooling and the expanding Arctic ice cap is causing climate uncertainty as many long standing beliefs on global warming have been refuted. The UN's climate change body, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was scheduled to begin publishing its Fifth Assessment Report, which is an extensive three-volume report on the Earth's climate every six years. Now, the organization will hold a pre-summit in Stockholm to report later this month. According to leaked documents, the IPCC face a decision to make more than 1,500 changes to their assessment report. First of all, the assessment report fails to explain the nature of the pause. Secondly, it is importent to understand the extent to which temperatures will rise due to increases in carbon dioxide. Finally, the IPCC must also investigate to what extent are humans and greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming over the past 150 years, which has caused average temperatures to raise by 0.8C. Melting ice in the Arctics has long been a visual indication of global warming. However, scientists are now studying mounting evidence that suggest Arctic ice levels are cyclical. According to climate historians, data indicated massive ice melts during the 1920s and 1930s, followed by a refreeze that only ended in 1979, which caused the IPCC to note that the artic ice had begun to melt. US climate expert Professor Judith Curry says the behaviour of Arctic ice over the next five years is crucial, both for understanding the climate and for future policy. "Arctic sea ice is the indicator to watch," she said. Iscience.com
Enjoy: "Arctic Ice Makes Comeback From Record Low, but Long-Term Decline May Continue Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean underwent a sharp recovery this year from the record-low levels of 2012, with 50 percent more ice surviving the summer melt season, scientists said Friday. It is the largest one-year increase in Arctic ice since satellite tracking began in 1978. The experts added, however, that much of the ice remains thin and slushy, a far cry from the thick Arctic pack ice of the past. Because thin ice is subject to rapid future melting, the scientists said this year’s recovery was unlikely to portend any change in the relentless long-term decline of Arctic sea ice. “I’m not at all surprised there was a jump upward — we’ve never set two record lows in a row,” said Walt Meier, a NASA scientist who has monitored sea ice for years. “I would say I’m a little surprised the jump is as big as it is.” Last year’s ice extent was so low that this year’s recovery looks larger by comparison, Dr. Meier said. The main reason for this year’s growth, Dr. Meier added, was that the region was colder and cloudier through the spring and summer than in the recent past. “We had cool conditions, cooler than the long-term average, and yet it is still going to be the sixth-lowest ice minimum on record,” Dr. Meier said. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/21/scien ... .html?_r=0 And they were right. 2013 didn't portend any change in the long-term decline of Arctic sea ice. "Arctic sea ice hits lowest winter maximum on record (CNN) March 21, 2015 - Although much of the United States has been shivering this winter, there's been another worrying sign of warming temperatures farther north. The cap of sea ice that spreads across the Arctic Ocean in winter appears to have been the smallest on record this year, according to NASA. Not only was this year's maximum extent, reached on February 25, the smallest on the satellite record, it's also one of the earliest. http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/21/world/arctic-sea-ice/
Black dragon why do you keep quoting nytimes and CNN which are democratic channels why not find a science journal that proves what you are trying to say. Using mainstream media who used false facts during the furgason mo shooting not creditable
Cheers Hydra - it happens! It would be interesting to see a kid's pov but typically they are too busy playing games and dating (which they are supposed to be doing ) - tragically if any of this is true their generation will be the ones I believe left in the semi dark age...
@ Don What evidence do you have that the NY Times and CNN are "Democratic channels" or that the facts in the articles are wrong? And if reporting false facts makes a news channel not credible, does posting false facts make a person not credible? You keep posting false facts from discredited sources. Are you saying you're not credible? You want me to find a "science journal" to prove what I'm saying? American Association for the Advancement of Science "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society." (2006) American Geophysical Union "Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes." (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013) American Meteorological Society "It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide." (2012) U.S. National Academy of Sciences "The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." (2005) http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/ Here's a list of nearly 200 worldwide scientific organizations that hold the position that climate change has been caused by human action. http://opr.ca.gov/s_listoforganizations.php\ And again, 97% percent of climate scientists worldwide agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. Is that enough science for you?
It's a complex subject and a lot it is based on data. You need the data to prove points you're trying to make. That, and I can say "It's my opinion that so and so is this" but posting the opinions and findings of credible experts and reputable organizations carry more weight.