There's still plenty of time left for things to change. However devs need to take action. And they need to do it now. They've made too many decisions without considering the consequences and longevity of the game. It's all been about how they can do something right now (for money) rather than how can we still keep making money in the future. That's why we have 500M CS+ accounts, players earning trillions off ebs and inflation getting worse and worse. I'm afraid that's not something that can be easily fixed. Unless there's a major mechanics overhaul which won't happen. So gotta deal with it and try not to make it worse. A major area that needs attention is new player retention. Devs do very little to assist new players. Now before you all start getting your panties in a twist about how they get LLLC straight away and how they can make good gold off event participation, realise that means nothing if they don't know what they're doing. KaW is not an easy game to figure out if you're a new player. I'm sure we all know that. The tutorial sucks. They don't know where to look for guides or who to ask for help. Now players can only do so much in this aspect. We can assist new players we see in wc. Volley them. Teach them some basic mechanics. You know, the usual stuff. However, for one thing, we can't get them into the game. And players will not always be able/online to assist. Hence the starting point should be the tutorial. Titan wrote a fantastic guide. All players should be pointed in that direction straight away. So yes, while players may have more than when some of us started, remember it is a very different game and they don't have the knowledge we do. It's a confusing game for a new player. I don't blame them for not coming back. First impressions can be important. Opening a game and having no idea what to do isn't a good first impression. Particularly after going through a useless tutorial that explains nothing of todays KaW. Now devs I imagine you won't do a single thing I or anyone else says. If you are going to take anything from the comments, take this: one day the whales that fund this game are going to be gone. Unless you pay attention to what the game needs and retain players, those whales will not be replaced. Your profits will come to an end eventually. But remember, that day can still be a long way away if you pay attention. KaW is a good social app. It has the potential to be a great game. Do something to keep it going that way. Those of us who can't spend thousands of dollars on a tap tap game can still bring you profits. That is what you forget. The big spenders are not the only ones who spend. You could probably make just as much off the rest of us if we were inclined to spend. Open your eyes and look around. There are a multitude of fantastic ideas you can consider for KaW. A better game = more players = more money. Don't rely on the current players to simply stick around. Be pro active.
So, Grant, How come none of the other Devs have admin privileges in your clan Edit: You should let people in ATA to interact with the rest of the team
Did you notice @ A thinking ape clan that none of the little monkeys bought a pro pack. Tighter than a monkeys hole ️️️
I don't see why they'd need to take the epic battle down for six hours just to tweak a few things in it. I can't see it being any harder than a few edits and uploads.
It was never meant to be temporary, but they SAID it was. Saying it was temporary increased sales at the time of HTE's release. Taking it away now would make it virtually impossible for anyone to build complete. With regular epic battles I don't see it taking any less than 5 years, and only if you're fairly to very active.
Hopefully it is to even up the plunder mech between attack builds an hansels. So far off at the moment it's laughable. Unless seals are cheaper for attack builds. if
Its kinda weird because it happens the day after I posted this Spragga Lives : The Escape Coincidence much?
Oh, I already know the surprise. The bars are going to be increase since people knock it out in like 10 seconds.