Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 12345DeDemonLord, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Ones buying seals and getting 100% items and Max xtal could buy there own clan off one epic, but unlocking to hte sucks for most. This should be a discussion in pm by money holders and owners.
  2. Nice clan ya got
  3. /lock plz devs post lost whole meaning and purpose
  4. What we are beginning to see is the creation of a new class of peeps within Kaw. Perms in HTE clans that never drop seals, players that mooch off of others. Just like society the haves get surrounded by the have nots and look to leech off them. So imo perms should drop seals as well, maybe not as often if they help with ads, keeping tabs on passes etc but don't be a mooch off paying players.
  5. Did roman emperors pay taxes?
  6. Places like ULFBERT... I don't think clan owners and admins use seals.
  7. Why is this not locked yet
  8. idk i asked but nothing happened
  9. They don't, I had an owner that wasn't around when I sealed either time, try an tell me how much time I had left, I tried repeatedly telling my seal date, but the owner insisted I had way less time, I stormed out an full unloaded on the owner who then found out I was actually right an instead of honoring the paid deal had the clan b2bgold farm me, I was threatened not to speak about it but not only am I speaking on it I been smacking naffer all day till I fell better about not getting my 3days 16 hours (;
  10. I havent been to a B2B hte clan yet, cuz i dont pay for seals
  11. who the hell cares
  12. U do. Thats y u post....noob
  13. The founder of my clans family started it by donating many seals all by himself.
  14. If we run out of seals I always drop one to start the HTE's again so we can find more. I drop them regularly when the queue is low.

    Is it required? No. But I do it for the gold and all that as well. Just like everyone else.
  15. I'm with him. I think members should have to support clan through seal use. Not saying they must adhere to normal clan HTE seal policy but it should still be a significant amount to help the general well being of the clan. It's not fair to not spend and be in an HTE clan were members hit for free. Owners do however get some leeway as they have much more time and energy invested into the clan. Dealing with player complaints, issues, questions, concerns gets to be a chore at times. So it's a double edged issue. There is a fine line to being stingy and being respectable and paying your dues. Just my opinion.
  16. We're getting into an era of 'premium' clans here. Clans that you buy your way into. I've done it, it was worth it. Do I have anything against the entrepreneur that set up that clan, worked to unlock the EBs and get the clan going? Nope. Good for him.

    They shouldn't have to.
  17. Imkwencydolla threw another temper tantrum? Not surprised. It isn't the first time he has been a clan farm.