How to upload photo to photobucket

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *F599 (01), Apr 26, 2011.


  2. they dont have a photobucket resize anymore :(
  3. I haven't done this in like a year lol , fingers crossed it works

  4. [image]¤t=7fa97c00802fa00984e83e8c8c6ea679_zpsd701fb63.jpg
  5. [image]{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
  6. How do i go to settings
  7. Not sure, I'm a PC only photbucket user. I do know that photbucket on device no longer lets you resize apps, so it won't be there if you try it bud.
  8. Resize Pictures*
  9. I got it on ipaf
  10. You are unable to change size on any iDevice that's the only restriction I know.
  11. [image][image]