How to upload photo to photobucket

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *F599 (01), Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Well that kinda sucks
  2. Once more for good luck:
  3. IT WORKED now how do I post more than 1
  4. do what u did more than once
  5. Can't I only copy one thing once then when I try to copy another one the first one disappear
  6. [​IMG]

    I can not access an album in photobucket on iPod that I created on the computer.
    This is gonna be very frustrating. Any ideas?
    Thx in advance if you help
    nnlnn if you don't.
  7. The only thing I ever added to forums lol.
  8. I logged out/in and everything was great. Thx shifter.
  9. That was not directed to anyone