How to transfer money in KaW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by nyn, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. Ok, so I have done the maths, and under the new volleying formulas you always loose exactly 35% of the amount transferred, eg if you give the receiver 100mil and the giver drops, the giver will loose 35mil. This is the same regardless of whether you transfer 100mil of 100bil. It is always 35%
  2. Sorry should have said in the example that the giver will loose 135mil, making the net loss, 35mil.
  3. That second example isn't correct. If your total loss was 100m, 35m would be lost permanently and 65m would be transferred to the other party. That means if you wanted to transfer 100m to someone else, you wouldn't need 135m, you'd need 100m / 0.35, or 153.85m.
  4. Essentially, this means you'll always need at least 1.5385x the cash you want the other person to actually receive. Thus you see the burden is quite heavy.
  5. Typo in that first response: should be 100m / 0.65 = 153.85m.

    0.65 comes from (1-0.35).
  6. Bump bump thx
  7. Bump for someone who asked me on how to transfer money in KaW
  8. Edit... U loose 40% for drops
  9. Bump for guy at Questions and Feedback thread .
  10. It's not rocket science is what my teacher always says
  11. Nyn should edit the new info, once it's 100% correct, I'd definitely feedback for a sticky.
  12. Is nyn even active anymore?