How to Stop Spamming Forums posting?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IVANDER2, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. I think this thread to stop spam is kind of a spam thread. Well not really its just not thought through so...
  2. Step 4 farm op till quits
  3. Duh. To both of you ^

  4. I Lubz this thread
  5. step100: Farm Op until it dies
  6. It's like he didn't know what op meant, so I figured I would tell him he just declared himself open 
  7. OH **** o_O
  8. This is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever seen.

    Farming op now
  9. Lmao at Dakota 

  10. wow op is a noob

    why do you give such bad info ... why :roll:

    sometimes even i wonder why
  11. i see master yi
  12. fuuuuck xxdominicusxx
  13. Dakota stop being a jerk