How to Stop Spamming Forums posting?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IVANDER2, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. STEP 10: THERE ARE NO MORE STEPS!!!!!! NO MORE!!! NO MORE!!!!
  2. Step 9 : continue to farm op until he makes a thread about quitting the game .
  3. Step 11. Chill the heck out. It's a game.
  4. We're counting down now?!?
    This is tough!
  5. Step12:
    This is a claming step after you get hardly farm on!!! just forget about those stupid farm and keep going with your life!!
    ENJOY YOUR LIFE!
  6. It's a very difficult process Barbie.
    Don't worry. Farming the OP will get you through this tough time.
  7. Step 1:Farm Op
    Step 2:pin Op
    Step 3: keep Op Pinned
    Step 4:make Op cry on your wall and then make him write a forum apology.
    Step 5:claim the apology "sucks" and continue farming until Op resets
    Step 6:After he resets farm him some more and make him reset again
    Step 7:keep farming until he leaves and deletes the game
    Step 8:celebrate that you have just farmed someone until game deletion
  8. step12: calming step sorry
  9. Dakota, then farm the inactive account dry 
  10. I like Dakota's idea
  11. Don't disappoint me! Bbl
  12. So many steps. Only thing to do is farm op lol
  13. step13:'the taget must be eliminated
  14. You wouldnt want to mess with this step!!! This is pure evil and could cause death to the farm you are fighting with!!(dakota)
    STEP13: KILL the target!! Never let him runaway
  15. Step14: I am done!
  16. Lol hope you remember the keeping calm steps XD
  17. @ Ivander
    Fight your own fights you stupid only farming you cuz you spammed forums with stupid crap.Dont be a coward and fight me yourself

    Why the hell do you think you can just barge in our little fight? He needs to stick up for himself!you had no reason to attack me...
    And why are you sticking up for a SPAMMER?
    He spammed forums a week ago.
  18. I never even attacked him until you attacked me TBH
  19. But now Im probably going to follow all my steps about farming Op if you (isthatme) doesn't make a forum apology by 5-6 central time