How To Stop a Strip Farm!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mr_Goodkat, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. check*

    Oops. Mistake :roll:
  2. Plastering your front page with 20~25 allies with 0 stats.
  3. I just told someone that in cc Qoo, great tactic. 
  4. Lol maka. Even i wouldnt s/f a person using that tactic.
  5. Then I'm proud to have thought that up. :)

    Btw, if you're one of those people who update their banner to, "Asleep, don't bother me" or "Online: no" or anything else showing you're away. That's basically screaming, "I'M AWAY, STRIP ME!"
  6. Haven't seen RH lately
  7. U should make a guide on how to stop getting strip farmed when ur pinned , allyless and silenced :lol:
  8. I was taught that if u are being stripped inna bug war and are awake, just buy their own allies. Or the enemy clan member's Allies and coordinate your clans own spies so the other player looses a few bil.

    In effect using them to fund a strip against them is wat I think I'm trying to say lol
  9. Good post.
  10. The time zone doesnt really matter if you go to bed at about 4a.m. And wake at noon but then again I'm a night owl and i just had surgery so in on anthesia I think ,so I'm really tired so don't really listen to what I say
  11. Thanks bro! Lemme know when you make the "how to strip farm" thread :D