How To Stop a Strip Farm!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mr_Goodkat, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. I literally laughed out loud on that one touche...

  2. There is no honorable war, or a 'friendly' war .
    It'll always end up 'unfriendly' 
  3. There is no honor us war, but there is in an individual player, and as a clan. Not the war itself.
  4. Lmao....erhm yea, dunno u -Ninja. I'm not very popular
  5.  A sly little fox just told me who u r -Ninja! Hehe so I guess I do know u. 
  6. Who is he?
  7. Yes i was talking about merc doom
  8. If you're in a pal group with the people stripping leave the group and if they are contacts stay invisible on pal so they never know if you're on or not
  9. I don't even do official wars. Why don't they remove the war system altogether and have clans just attack eachother when they have a beef.
  10. hummm i think i know who spoiled this ! :evil: sorry robin am not sticking to the subject, was just pleased to see some old friends.
  11. Strategy: when you are trying to shut down a mega oaf who is punching through your def and pots if you are not a hansel or osf then assassinate farm them it is the best ratio of spy loss of all three. I've experimented. Scout = you lose maybe 350 spies they lose maybe 2k.
    Steal: you lose nearly 1k spies they lose maybe 3k.
    Assassinate: you lose maybe 500 they lose 5-7k. Good luck people :)
  12. Here's a tip on preventing being stripped...don't buy allies
  13. Lol. Recipe for going nowhere.
  14. Oh what I did when someone did it was I acted like it was just a game who cares and I started talking to him like he was a friend or something lol it was funny he ignored me and I got off free
  15. Wat does pots mean
  16. Likely most people that were here before T3 knew most of this lol. Great info 
  17. @Swabia:

    They can also checo your quests completed ;) So it'd be like… last quest, and if success (small chance :) ) tactic will fail. If fail, tactic would success. Kinda ironic… .