Stealing clans WAS funny, now its just getting stupid and old. People that do it are just attention whores cause someone posted a thread that was a huge success so they think if they do it everyone will like them. People gotta realize if threads arent original, they get really old, really fast.
That would be deceiving them as well you are tricking them into thinking that you are their friend. So please tell me a method that does not require tricking which you said a form of lieing or just leave my thread.
Ok, I assume you understand what everyone means, so I'll place a dumb example: If I lied to you saying I… steal carrots, for example, I could say I tricked you into thinking I did. Hence, tricking and lying can be applied to the same concept, and they're both valid. It can be said you're tricking AND lying to newbs/noobs
Again I was answering questions please lets keep this on topic and not over how FiveForFighting thinks I'm a bad ass.
I don't have to, as I am on topic. How about this? I want to steal your clan from you, to somehow gain popularity! That is the only reason I see you are doing it for? You have not tried to cover yourself by saying you want to teach them a lesson... Or anything. But this doesn't come down to lying, it's simply a bad thing to do. It makes them very sad, and in cases angry! Anything that doesn't uplift someone else, isn't a good thing to do! So why are you doing this swag? I have assumed plenty, but let's hear your reasoning? And don't lie!
My reason ok I was bored yesterday after coming back home from football practice and saw how some noob disband a clan,but could not handle the farming that came with disbanding that clan. I decided maybe I can try disbanding several clans this week and develop a method on how to convince a noob into giving me his/her clan. I thought it was pretty fun to do this for this is my 7th victim so far and have been asked how have I been able to do this. I thought this was the best way to tell the people who wanted to know how I do this. Yet it wasn't the best way because unfortunately people disliked the thread and thought it was me attempting to become cool or famous in KaW.
So you see, you are doing this for fun at the expense of others! I'm glad you can at least admit it. I truly hope that in the future, instead of making people feel worse in their lives, you will try to make them happier. Have a good day/night!
Over a video game your criticizing me for disbanding clans in a video game, if this happening to you gets you mad enough to effect you in real life you probably need to get a glimpse of reality.
Personal insults after I was so nice to you! That is simply rude Grammar nazi time! *you're *affect *incorrect sentence structure (run-on) consider revising. Now on to the post! You obviously care about this game, just as much as I do. Why? You are still here on the forums, trying to protect your dignity. (where is it? running away ) If you are mad enough at me over a forum post, in a video game, you should probably get a glimpse of reality. Also, the fact that you have been (most likely) incessantly checking this thread for the last 56 minutes means you care too much about this video game, and you should probably get a glimpse of reality.
Now jak, who are you to decide that? ATA has put in a mechanism (nobs) for ambitious newbs (noobs) to try their luck in running their VERY own clan! This is an alternate reality where anything should be possible, why try restricting people? let people make their own mistakes in this game, we are all human after all. Or If you truly care about their growth, why not hop from clan to clan, teaching them what to do??
Well I am sick and have thrown up twice today (school food) I have nothing better to do I'm playing KaW should I show you a pic that way you don't accuse me of lieing?
Katrina shut up its just a video game u don't have to make a big deal out of it what are u a four year move on get over it its just a game.