Hte clans the perm members are profiting off it way to much I love seeing their ads in world chat because I hit them... Make sure there not making the most they can out of escapes
Guys who came to say my math is flawed... it s not.. assumptions may be flawed, true. But if i added my personal making and how much i could make while skimming it would look even more in seals favor... if you don t make 6b per unloads and are not active 16h a day (i didn t think it was average. I just presumed biggest spenders are biggest kawers) just chamge those umbers is math part and find it out forbyourself...
No xtals on hte an removing equip ensures more hits, but xtallers will come along an kill the hte canceling out any hopes an dreams..
It s fairly easy to spot xtallers and ideal punishment would be to cut their pass lenght by 1 day. Removeing equip helps aswell, so does prefferring smaller builds, and large att builds could even be not allowed to use spies in eb. Hansels ought not be allowed full 36 assa unload. First 50%/ 18 assas make hansels 75% of max plunder. High lvl hansel forgetting to use the rest of the troops will lose just 300-400m and if not skimming will benefit them even more..
Esk after reading your posts I have come to a conclusion. 1) You are a very active player because you can skim so much/often and play 16hrs a day. 2) You are by no means an "average" build/player. You have 20 HF and are HLLC... means you have been playing longer probably, or invested more, than the 'average" players you are trying to help. I would purpose an "average" kaw player would have maybe 15-20 HL and in the ~12 range of HF(that might be going too high as well!). 3) I believe this is a post with personal gain somehow. I say this because the topic of EB pay out with/with out EQ, using spies, not using spies as an attack build, skimming etc comes up I would say fairly often. The current trend is payout is not based just on actions alone, but also " average damage" done to the EB. So taking off EQ does not mean higher payouts for those with out the EQ on. If anything it just extends the EB by maybe ~10-15 minutes. Second most "average" kaw players tend to fully unload and come back in an hour or chat for a bit. An average player does not usually spend their time playing skimming and checking back in every 15 minutes. I do agree with you that on the whole Seals are worth more to an individual player than xtals if trying to do b2b escapes/grow. I think you fundamentally lose on one specific area. Why merc around using seals for b2b escapes etc, when you could form a clan with friends or use them in your existing clan. There you benefit your mates and everyone could use 6xtals.... You could still have all items, if you are a jerk. As many have pointed out before me HTE really benefits an entire clan. If you merc around with seals etc, you are not really helping yourself but rather the clan and its members leeching off your seal.
Breaking it down Barney style here we go. If you only have limited funds you'll make more per 1$ spent buying seals versus crystals if you do a b2b escape clan that allows 3 day stay once you use your seal.
that was interesting, good job finding this op. also dont mind everyone complaining about it being long, those are the same people who you shouldnt care what they post.
Xenio. Yes i probably am an active player but i have played for just 5 months and i haven t bought any nobs/xtals. I just didn t get the reason why ppl would buy xtals instead of seals If higher activity+ seal will grant you more.
IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! WHAT IS HE TRYING TO SAY? It is better AND CHEAPER to buy seals then to buy xtals for hte clans IF YOU COULDN'T BE BOTHERED READING MATHS N' BORING TEXT -------------------- PLEASE READ!
I made some extra calc, not going to put them here, but the amount of plunder you make for 1h worth of troops does not effect the correlations between seal va xtals. Only thing it changes is the extra b earned per dollar. But the seals extra b per hour devided by seal+xtals extra b per hour is still roughly 2. Meaning that at high activity, going for purely seals is best bang per buck. In case of lower activity... first of all i d have to say you d actually deserve higher amount of days spent in b2b clan and if that could be achieved and you d get roughly 45unloads for your seal, the math will be the same if you had generated same activity doing any other eb at the same time. (I must admit there are no such b2b escapes clans yet who d take into account your activity and for a lower activity grant you longer valid pass time, but i m working on starting one) In case of a lower activity in a fixed time b2b escape clan xtalling makes sense as in case of eating away your fare share...( let s say 6h a day 6*3(days) +32 xtals (compensating for inactivity) =48 unloads but every xtal spent would be there to compensate for you r inactivity... so i ask wether it is reasonable...just get the seal when you know you could be highly active in next 3 days... or if you think spending extra 20$ for lack of activity... i can t argue here yet the topic was still best bang per buck...