How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Good job
  2. Yep tell the noobs to waste their aqua/inferno on greaves and boots, the highest fail rate equipment only spent 120 some infernos on it but hey: they should definetly enchant them first. Great info. Stupid guide.
  3. I bought too much inferno I'm broke now :(
  4. Ohmagawd its back! I thought it was lost forever. Thanks whomever bumped this back up.

    Placing this for sticky please
  5. Well written! Like the efforts with the spreadsheet, showed op took the time and effort into making a good guide
  6. Bump for a clan mate. Great thread.
  7. TY cheese!
  8. Excellent work well done. Now for the paladin equip!
  9. He quit kaw... :| ^
  10. Awesome... Bump!
  11. Thanks, helped alot
  12. I'm miss cheese :(
  13. cool [\color=red]
  14. I remember this... Should be stickied!!!
  15. Excellent reference. Thanks a lot.
  16. Anyone else notice this thread was created in August  did op edit or did someone bump, just a q
  17. Um, read the post before yours. :eye-roll: