How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. bump after ASW awards
  2. Sticky. Very useful.
  3. Very Useful TYVM 
  4. Should this get a sticky?
  5. Sticky!!!
  6. Correct me if i'm wrong but noone in here needs those damn numbers! I'm looking for reasonable advice how to enchant safely, atleast to reduce failurez.. Fked up three times on greaves to 0 - wtf??
  7. I heard that using mith spells increases chances. But i have never tested it, nor heard more than one time. So it may be fake advise.

    Personally I think there is no such think like safe enchanting. If something is % based, it will remain % based. When you toss a coin, you have equal chance for both side. You can't make head appear more often.
  8. got level 3 castle meed to go hunt items now good guide keep up the good work.
  9. bump cause I'm too lazy to go looking on page 2 for it........
  10. So which items are best to spend my inferno and aqua on first? so far the closes to Mac enchant I have is for the ring but stats wise which is best to enchant?

    The bow has the sexiest stat gives bonuses in att/spy att...
    however the greaves are the better thinking price wise (since it gives 40mil bonus for 10 infernos)

    Everything depends on how much money u have
    - Upgrade bow if u have plenty of resources (ps, bow has a high failure chance; i have a level 5 bow which took 6 tries)
    - Upgrade the greaves since they are most economical (it gives 40 mil bonus bonus for 10 infernos)

    FAIL RATES: The bow is likely to have a reset failure esp in levels 5-7 (this is y i have stopped at L5)
    -The greaves however has a likely chance of failure but i havent heard of graves reset on ppl

    Also take into consideration your build
    -A att/att hyb will be better to upgrade the greaves
    -however the bow is very usefull if u have spy/hyb/def build since it boosts your att stats

    Lastly take into consideration the equip that u currently have.

    But upgrade either the bow or greaves since i believe they are the best to upgrade.

    **att hyb refers to builds with Aviary, CoE and Colony**
  12. Sticky this thread.
  13. bumpage for my own lazyness
  14. Well done,good thread.....
  15. @ Dark Ace , i believe its random, i failed once with a bow, but failed on greaves maybe 4 times, lost over 150bil on inferno( plus ~60 inferno from summer wars). Damn unlucky, now on lvl 5 and no guts to move up
  16. Thanks nice job actually really helpful cheers