How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Nice work cheese.i bet that took alot of time and effort...this is what forums should be used for...not the other 99% of crap that's on here.bery well done and thank you for your time and great effort.
  2. This is a great thread - it really should get stickied.

    As for my diamondiferous correction - Phew! *wipes sweat from forehead*
    May I request an imaginary cookie? *scared look*
  3. I see this being quite useful once I get some gear and can enchant things. Are you going to update this for the new gear and for the summer war armor?
  4. @ Dawn,

    Since the percent of users who will ever possess the summer war items is so small, I won't be including them in my analysis.

    It's my small payback for not getting an invite ;)
  5. @ Stone,

    I'll take a look at that later. Thanks for your kind words and well put together feedback and research.
  6. @ blerghy and sons,

    Thanks for the positive feedback.

    When I create threads, I do my best to make them as high quality as reasonably possible.

    You're right though - forum could use a bit higher quality threads. But keep in mind this is a 9+ game. Most kids in that age group are looking to feel out their personalities more than they are looking to explore and understand game mechanics.
  7. Bump.

    Good stuff. Thx for the effort.
  8. Deserves a sticky

    Stickidy stick sticky 
  9. Can this get a sticky please?
  10. I agree as well, sticky please? :)
  11. Yep sticky sticky sticky
  12. I am afraid some calculations are wrong :!: :!: :!: You can't calculate an average from another average taking same wages, it no longer gives proper value...

    Proper Values:

    Gold-Plated Greaves = 1,6
    Iron Gauntlet = 1,2
    Silica Ring of Silence = 1,06
    Electric Storm Bow = 1
    Crown of Virtue = 0,9
    Torrent Talisman = 0,865
    Aureate Bracer = 0,7778
    Steadfast Sollerts = 0,76
    Stalwart Helmet = 0,7575
    Vermeil Breastplate = 0,675
    Diamoniferous = 0,6462
    Viridescent Shield = 0,5
  13. Right.
    Thanks for pointing this out in a succinct manner. :)
    His individual numbers are still correct.
    On the previous page, I provided corrected calculations for the overall averages.

    If you buy aqua/inferno, you can compare the increased stats of land/building upgrades to enchanting items. You just need to know your inferno price, and how much you earn in an EB with 5 crystals.
  14. Awesome, we have same numbers :) I did not even looked at previous page, just checked 1st post with numbers.

    I can see one more improvement over what you suggested. To show, which item should be upgraded to provide best stats boost. I mean, if I have lvl 3 bracer and lvl 2 gloves, which one is more efficient to upgrade, assuming you have enough ingredients. But one main problem is that you can fail upgrade...
  15. I made the simpliest form of what i suggested.

    You upgrade the item with the lowest level determined by the highest stat boost per aqua/inferno .
    It looks like that the crown is the best to start with, even though it is 5th in ranking, it has the cheapest relative cost of lvl 1. And helmet goes before bow, diamond sword before greaves.
    This is weird but this is what i got. It could be improved much more but it would require calculations I cannot imagine now.
  16. Nice guide
  17. Hmm. So this is cheeses old acc huh
  18. Thabks whoever bumped it up.

    Can we get sticky on this thread?