How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Cheese I said your title sucks. Not the OP. If you read my post right clearly you'd know this.
  2. I already said that in my OP though. But you're entitled to your opinion that the title sucks.
  3. Bump for the person on my wall.
  4. Good one cheese
  5. Thanks 4 the bump cheese
  6. Ye guide buhat ala hai.

    Nice guide.
  7. Bump for a great guide
  8. It's linked on my stickied Enchantment Guide if you need a shortcut :)
  9. Nice thread, thanks. Next stop, NASA.
  10. Well done, Cheese - Thanks for a great guide 
  11. Great guide i hope i can use it one day.
  12. Nother great job by cheese, as always
  13. The only disclaimer that I'd add, as I've tried to UG greaves and talked to others about the same, is that the greaves are by for the most likely item to fail in enchanting process. I realize it's nearly impossible to accurately guess the failure rate, but as ppl use this great thread, they should be aware of the tendency for the greaves to fail to 0. 
  14. U re extraordinary! 
  15. Cheeze. If you have time, would liketo see your thoughts as part of the OP on the new items. :)
  16. Lefty,

    Thanks. That has been suggested several times throughout this thread. Problem is that some people are lucky and UG the greaves to lvl 10 without a single fail while others aren't so lucky.

    I am happy to add anything that can be verified by numbers. If you collect the data, I will happily crunch the numbers.
  17. Senorita,

    The only items not in here are summer war items.
  18. Again, excellent post, Imitation-Cheese.

    There is a slight error in your "Average Stat Boost per Aqua or Inferno" summary.
    You take the average across each individual upgrade. You should take the total stat boost from un-enchanted to fully enchanted and divide by the total number of mage-items (aqua and inferno). The average only works for equipment that has the same cost of enchanting per level..

    Here's the correct numbers, using the (fullyEnchanted - notEnchanted)/(Inferno+Aqua) calculation:

    ## Stat/Item Equipment
    01 1.600 Gold-Plated Greaves
    02 1.200 Iron Gauntlet
    03 1.059 Silica Ring of Silence
    04 1.000 Electric Storm Bow
    05 0.900 Crown of Virture
    06 0.865 Torrent Talisman
    07 0.778 Aureate Bracers
    08 0.760 Steadfast Sollerets
    09 0.758 Stalwart Helmet
    10 0.675 Vermeil Breastplate
    11 0.646 Diamoniferous
    12 0.500 Viridescent Shield

    I have bolded the values that have changed from the original summary table.

    This didn't change the results much at all. The greaves and gauntlet remained the same. The bow and silica ring increased. Rankings remained the same except for the steadfast sollerets and stalwart helmet.

    Again, the Steadfast Sollerets has a [M]Stat increase per Mage Item of 0.76 = (6.9-3.1)/5.0

    Very good work. The individual upgrades are still valid, you just can't average the lot together.