How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Well done! Great guide!!!
  2. Yeah, if you wanna go out an collect that data, more power to you. You get the data, I'll crunch the numbers.

    Like it says, this is just a quick and easy way to decide based only on stat boost per Aqua/Inferno stat boost per enchantment.
  3. You are correct! Thank you for pointing this out. That bumped the Diamondiferous down one spot!

    Tables updated to reflect changes.
  4. Jus a quick an easy guide but wildly innaccurate as to which equipment is honestly the next best to enchant as you are not including the failure/success rates.
    Surely any enchanter knows greaves are substantially harder to max enchant versus the bow. People following your guide are going to waste so much inferno on them.
    A more appropriate title would be something like: "equipment stat increase comparisons during enchanting"
  5. I must say though you put quite a bit of effort into a simple guide. Good job.
  6. Wow  awesome thread my 2 cents worth:
    1) spy stats cost more to acquire, abt 30% more. I venture to suggest that they are worth 1.3x troop stats. That's why I think lvl7 rings are so valuable (abt 2 max bc osf equivalent) and maybe undervalued in your computation.
    2) perhaps the dev hv taken into acct the ROI on the greaves and compensate with a higher reset rate. Yes I'm grieving over my greaves too.
    Thanks for the most insightful thread 
  7. Nice work
    Now if we can only figure out how to increase the % chance of successful enchanting lol
  8. That's exactly what I said this is. If you read the OP, you'd know this. Clearly you didn't.
  9. I agree with #1, but I have no way to compute an exact scalable constant to make a fair comparison, so I just went for raw stats.

    You're probably right about #2 since the greaves scored so well in this analysis. I'm sure in the end, they're all pretty close to the same.
  10. I don't know what this stuff means, since I'm not even close to being there yet, but it looks great! 
  11. This thread is relevant to my interests.
    Well done. Very well done, Imitation-Cheese.

    And thanks to IIllIlI_l_Love_KaW_IIlllIl for his Equipment Enchantment Guide as well.

    -- Stoneford
  12. Good post cheese. I think I will link it on my thread until its stickied.

    Yw stone
  13. This might explain why the greaves are harder to max.thx cheese.
  14. Poop just lost 1 aqua 2 inferno on bow enchantment. 
  15. I'd consider factoring the cost/availability of each item. Aqua has a much lower drop rate and is only available for purchase with real cash.
  16. If you provide the data, I will crunch the numbers.
  17. Holy spread sheets Batman. Nice work Cheese. 
  18. Nice piece of work !! Bravo !!