How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Great thread Cheesey-poo, very well thought out and beautifully organized.

    I kindly ask that any Moderator please give this thread a Sticky

    I know I will be using this quite often, having a level 3 Castle and such >>

    ~ iMiiz
  2. These are one of those spreadsheets you want to keep away from muggles.

    They'll never understand.

    Brilliant stuff, man.
  3. Thank you very much
  4. Good stuff my hats off to you 
  5. thanks cheese
  6. Good thread. Useful stuff here
  7. This assumes you have all items. I find that I usually upgrade to max level of the item I have before getting another item. So whatever item at hand gets enchanted first.
  8. It makes no assumptions. It works just as well if you are trying to decide between two items.
  9. Cheese, where were you when I spent all my gold on inferno and failed? :(
  10. Awwwwwwwwwwwww :cry:
  11. You have torrent talisman's stats wrong just FYI.
  12. Which enchantment level?
  13. BTW, if you're wrong, I'm farming you for a day.
  14. I needed my knight in shining armor! Yet, you weren't around to save me. Only kidding. <3 :p
  15. I wish I could use this guide.
  16. Starting defense is 5m not 5.675m
  17. But I dont have a L3 castle :cry:
  18. Awwww. I'm sowwy, sweetie. IDK what I was thinking! :oops: