How to Ruin a War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SWiTCHBLADE2, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. How to Ruin a War


    First of all, everyone knows to ruin a war you must be prepared. Drop all of your pots ASAP! This way no one will be able to burn them. And who needs mith? If it's your first time warring you'll have to buy it with your dropped pot cash, so just forget about mithing up. Also, get rid of all those allies. With these Primal wars, you don't get the bonuses in having them. What's the point of keeping them?

    War commanders. What's up with these people? They tell you to stay out of clan chat during the war but rage in caps lock in cc during the entire war. What hypocrites. With this amount of hypocrisy and noobiness, don't listen to them, and while you're at it, do the absolute opposite of what they say during the war.

    During the war, you must have full commitment, but ain't nobody got time fo' dat. But you can't just stay inactive with your build up. Drop all of your buildings so people can't farm you after the war.

    There it is; how to ruin a war. I don't encourage any of this nooby crap, so again, don't do any of this.
  2. You forgot spam cc during war and post everyones targets on your wall :lol:
  3. Wasn't going to add spam cc. I did forget about posting targets 
  4. Its not exactly an anti guide....
  5. It's very much an antiguide. It's a guide of what not to do.
  6. The devs are probably gonna lock this.
  7. Your mom is something not to do.
  8. Why?
    Mods are more likely.
  9. Had approval from a mod saying since it has a disclaimer it's fine.
  10. Well you can argue either way. Like you said it is a guide of what not to do, thus an anti guide. But it is a guide nonetheless, so it isn't an anti-guide. An anti-guide would have been if the title was "How to Win a War"
  11. Its a guide on how to ruin something.
    Antiguide would be saying:

    {Guide on how to ruin it}
    while, the context is
    {How to war perfectly}
  12. You should have posted an actual helpful guide as the content :lol:
  13. The only real thing you need to do during a war is listen to the wc. That's why I didn't want this to be helpful 
  14. You realize you can't drop buildings during a war right? Although war signups ended and it was about to start and I hit someone outside of war and it let me too but idk
  15. Sven you need to also buy mith and pots not just listen smart ass...
  16. The war commander will tell you to pot and mith. As for dropping buildings, sorry, I've never tried that.
  17. I've never cared for what a war commander says. I do wut i wunt.
  18. I warred once there wasn't really a war commander or a tracker it was just chaos and we got our ass kicked