Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_Fuzzy_Piranha_IlI, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. A simple answer - for the rest of the EE season limit clan sizes to 25 - 30 and match soley on record. Let the high win clans battle the high win clans, and so forth. Since troop strength doesn't matter that much, BFA is an afterthought and BFE is ignored currently, this is probably as good as anything. The tight clan size limits means you can ignore size restrictions.

    There will undoubtedly be some mismatches (but life isnt fair according to www). Some undeserving clans with lots of wins will start to take losses, etc. But eventually they will fall to their correct level and find good matches.

    In truth, if clans had been matched based on record from the start, clans probably would have found their correct level by now and we would have many more balanced matches.

    It is never too late to start.
  2. It is very clear that BFE makes prob the biggest difference, especially if all other factors are reasonably matched. I posted a thread earlier on this and most agreed with the exception of some who had the best equipment enchanted to high levels.

    So either include BFE or quit trying to say matchups are even. I don't disagree those who have the best equipment have worked hard to get it - but by not including it the strong will only get stronger and next year it will be even harder to beat some clans. And if I was in one if those clans I would not want things to change, but it is clearly not in the interest of the broader kaw community.

    From the threads I've seen the great majority of ppl support incl BFE, and there is absolutely no reason not to include this as matchups will be closer and wars even more even. That's where strategy will truly come into its own.
  3. The season is more than halfway over...This would be a time when it is too late to start..
  4. It is a perfect time to start matching winners (lots of BFE) with winners (lots of BFE). First half of season is over - positions have been settled, time to let the second half begin with starting position determined by finish in the first half.

    A perfect time to start including BFA - it was pretty much the same at the start, but very different now. "To those who say - then what is the point of getting good equipment if it means a harder match?" I tell them the same could be said about building stats or increasing BFA. If you really want easy mith, instead of having to earn it in an even fight, then ask the devs for an easy button.

    Alternatively, just match based on static values - towers, troops, BFA & BFE ... troops are only a small fraction of strength.
  5. BFE makes a huge difference. It should be factored into the match algorithm. Think about the mechanism of a knock out game when coming out of ko or staying up. BFE and BFA combined make the most difference.
  6. I feel there is an major lack of application here.. You clearly realize that BFE is not factored into the match up,but instead of using this to advantage you cry to the devs about it.

    It's simple get Better equipment the eb stuff is almost as good as the mith equip.
  7. Better proposal to make everything fair: Make everyone drop all allies, all equipment as all buildings. Every member is allowed one stable and one guild both at lvl 1. No mith, propack, clan bonus, or any other advantage is allowed. Every clan must sign up exactly 25 members.
  8. I agree with Psycho. That's brilliant.
  9. Lol psycho, love that suggestion 
  10. Everyone works hard to have their BFE. But that doesn't mean BFA comes for free. So to say BFE should be included in matchup calculations while BFA shouldn't because we work hard to get those equipment isn't valid. To have a fairer matchup, I think all 4 factors need to be considered:-

    1) Strength
    2) No of people signed up in clan
    3) BFA
    4) BFE

    All 4 are equally important to get a fair matchup. That said, it would make having more "no match" scenario unless more and more clans decide to join Eswar. I can see less and less people will do Eswar in the future if this is not addressed, because the strong will become stronger. We don't mind losing in a war game but honestly, how many losses will you take before saying, "Fark it, I'm not doing this anymore until I see an equal chance of winning"?

    Unless ATA has already a plan to increase xtal sales when this Eswar fizzle out, I strongly urge you guys(the dev) to seriously look into improving the Eswar system. You can see the interest is still there and I'm sure many more would like to take part in it. Just give them a chance to take part and yourself a chance to increase those xtal sales!

    Enough of my 2 cents..adios
  11. What were trying to say, is while OP was off making quick coins hitting Hauntings and other EBs we were risking 40-60 Bil Each war we fought, by
    1. Using an Average of 20 Bil in Pots per war
    2. Using 16-20 Mithril Minimum
    3. Not Hitting EB's for 5-8 Hours, (Early Wars lasted 4 Hours

    We lost many battles along the way. Wasn't all pure profit pal.

    Now all of a sudden the Devs announce EQUIPMEMT for Rancor points, and all of a sudden you want to jump in, having done no homework or pre-season prep, and be on the same level as us?


    The developers could simply make equipment count for half or 66% of it's normal value. It would help create more even matches and keep the mith armor people happy. Also, to enforce
  13. How about they take away 66% of the pro-packs you own, and all the stats that people have bought with nobs as well? 

    What is so difficult for you people to realize we have earned our EQUIPMEMT.
  14. This is BS YO.... Freezing equipment during war? What is this guy smoking? Stop whining about something you can change yourself.