If ata makes equips drop from battle list only and no drops from the option to search players ppl wouldnt get equips drop from hitting same player over and over cuz battle list refresh everytime u press it besides that it would make unable to get equips with hitting u own osf or inactive if someone keeps hitting smaller players it would still be useless like it is nowerdays unless someone pissed u off and wants revange what i can understand
@Chubby The fact that you're still dtw an hour after you hit me (when I wasn't even on) doesn't make you the most resourceful warrior in the realms of KaW. Also, you may at least try to communicate using language. @Norma I appreciate your attitude, but please note that not everyone has the kind of patience required to get there. @TNT It's not just Ancienne. I've seen too many players quit for good because that kind of stuff happened to them, while she's actually still here. @degast I supported the idea of battle list rewards in some threads because I think it's a good idea. Yet I still think the hit range should be narrowed for that, and inactives (e.g. people who haven't been on for 2 weeks or so) should be removed from the battle list.
If i was right battle list would only show ppl who recently logged on and if u make the hit gap smaller it would have a mature inpact on osw considering strips and hitting banks and things like that
I hear that a lot. I'm curious as to how? There's a battle list. Anyone can use it. It matches you up with players that are close to your size and that are online. It's easy to use. The button is right there. Not everyone plays this game for the same reasons. A recent article on KaW indicated that the biggest reason for player retention is the social aspect. Players make friends, form clans and hang out together. Many players are quite happy to just hit the EB, chat with their friends, and mind their own business. The fact that they're not interested in a PvP doesn't make them weak or noobs. They come here for different reasons than those who crave a PvP match up. I hear the same thing about OSW. "EBs have ruined OSWs" Again, how? I've had no trouble finding OSW's and I don't even have to go looking for one. There's a list of clans ranked by strength. Pick one and attack it. It's that easy. Same goes for players who crave a PvP. Open your battle list, pick a player and start attacking him. If you get more than you bargained for, well, that's always been a risk on KaW, hasn't it?
In war there is bullying. This is a war game, i'm sorry, but get over it. They implemented the block button for a reason. If you choose not to use it that is your fault.
No to every one. This is a war game. People need to grow up. If you don't like what's happening to you then delete the app. Simples. And I fail to see how you can be bullied in an online game!!! For gods sake grow some balls will you!
The block button doesn't make you immune from attack, strips, or steals. It just keeps people from posting on your wall.
hey, "owner" ... and bc "ppl need to grow up", you try hard to keep them down? ... interesting ... isn't it more about growing your own headup instead? ...
btw ... "to grow balls" isn't possible to a special gender ... is that, why you're trying to "help" me? ...
hey soupcup ... you seriously ask ppl who are playing the game for years and payed a lot for their own fun to leave the game, do you? ...
If I had a problem with it, I wouldn't be in ZAFT now would I? And if you guys are so interested in PvP, why don't you petition KaW to make a Gladiator spell? Players who cast it would indicate they want a match. KaW could even make the battle list exclusively for those players. Or, you could create a Gladiator thread and sign up to fight each other. Players shouldn't HAVE to delete the game just because they don't want play the same way you do. And as I've said, there's nothing from stopping you from using the battle list as is. Or starting a war. Is there?
I'm leaving it at this. When you downloaded the app you saw it was called Kingdoms At War. Coming into the game you should've came to the conclusion that you'd be fighting in game. Play the game how you want to play it, but don't complain about being hit when you saw the title of the game before you started playing.
I don't think people are complaining about getting hit. It's about being dog piled by a bunch of bullies that are much bigger than they are.