How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. 4 words:"dick in a box"
  2. You shouldn't be role playing on forums reaper. I'm pretty sure boots would be out of your league anyway
  3. They hating reaper
  4. Not sure why you keep copying my name
  5. Not sure whats even going on here.
  6. I dun see the haterz
  7. Apparently reaper here and scoop and role playing trying to violate fluttershy
  8. It was all his idea...
  9. Why am I still even watching this thread
  10. I know you?????!

    They stole my socks.

    And candy.
  11. No no I stole your socks. They did the rest.
  12. Well... That was an amusing yet rather disturbing last few pages to this thread I guess.
  13. Awww its puppy boy.
  14. I got involved good for you Balto.
  15. Just a tip, Fluttershy. Reaper here religiously watches MLP:FIM. So dont be intimidated.
  16. You know bootsy I would take offense to that if you wernt just so adorable tucking your tail between your legs and running from wars.
  17. You really shouldn't take info from roni.

    Anyways muppets like you don't get to use my name. Privileged rights only. And well you'll never meet anyone's specifications. How tragic.

    Give up. You can't even find your way to the ball park to play with the big boys and girls. When you reach an actual level let me know. Until then contaminate someone else with your puppy breath.
  18. She got uncute real fast. :?
  19. Ouch how many days did you spend preparing that bootsy?