How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Doctors have not been able to figure that out yet xD
  2. I was curious to see what type of people are on offer for goats. Here are the results of my searches.




    A curious but limited choice.

    So obviously I had to check who was bidding.
    Surprisingly baldrick has goats he can offer.



  3. Tanner cherry is mine!!!!
  4. Knew this thread would go from crap to crapped on
  5. This just in dionise makes love to potato
  6. Some countries use pig instead 2 pig= 4 goat
  7. ^obviously a lie from someone who has no goats and only pigs
  8. I'd pay atleast 40 two hump camels for Dionise
  9. Someone attack Seven for the potato crack, too small to hit
  10. Dionise is upset, no?
    Hon hon wi wi baguette
  11. Dionise, this thread is a joke, no need to take it seriously.
  12. They're trading Reindeer in this thread. Of course I have to take it seriously!
  13. I will only go for a pet dragon 
  14. Lol, this is a bunch of crap, and honestly this will probs be locked
  15. The funny things is this is under strategies lol
  16. Hmm guess i cant offer any of my amazing 400 goats all in perfect health and very friendly im a female o_O
  17. I'll counter that offer with 3 tonnes of cheese and a frisky German baby.
  18. Puppies people! Everything else is a waste of time.
  19. This actually works!! Thanks op :D
  20. It always has worked