How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Got up to page 7 where it was about potato goat and reindeer, skipped to this and its now about wars and cf's. Crashed and burned a good thread.
  2. Im not favoring EB's. I just want a thread in forums that isnt about war for once.
  3. Its the mutts fault. I just wanted a ducati

    I'm completely innocent
  4. No one is innocent.
    No one.
  5. Beo ur a noob this thread is epic shhhh
  6. Anyways. Why goats? Not cows or ducks?
  7. Bootsy innocent=mind blown

  8. :lol: @ clumsys pic.
  9. How about ponies bootseh 
  10. Im such a noob its not even fair man.
  11. Bugatti or gtfo
  12. OMG definitely ponies! Just not miniature. They r kinda strange
  13. You're a good noob, Beow.
  14. Lel bootsy 
  15. Lel bootsy :lol-
  16. The thread was just getting interesting :( well I've had my fill of stupidity I'm off for a while.
  17. Wtf stupid forums h8 me -.-
  18. Back to the pound you go fleabag. No one would barter for you