How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. I dont know. What in holy **** is going on?
  2. Hey bootsy
    Anyone else idek
  3. Balto that's on a whole new level of creepy
  4. Reaper your getting wig confused with war
    And I only requested cf because argoli showed me how pointless my fight was.
  5. Hai der sailor :p
  6. Alcy idk, just let it happen :lol:
  7. Balto? Requesting a CF? Never heard of such a thing
  8. Not to see you.
    I want you to deliver it in person so I can spit on your face as well as your intellect.
  9. :D cf = chicken frittata?
  10. Nah i remember vividly how WiG wasnt apart of war at that moment, i was a perm, then someone put u in ca xD a week or so later u cfed in forums
  11. Thanks the **** a lot, eminem. -.-
  12. Balto 1v1 me on skrub penguin brah

    I shall make you request cf MWUHAHAHAHA
  13. Lol THAT'S the best you could come up with?!

    I feel soooo terribly sorry for you.
  14. Hey alcy 
  15. No I can honestly say I've never fought wig although I have fought members of wig.
  16. Whoa, whoa…this is a fun thread. Dont turn it into a war discussion thread.
  17. Bootsy don't feed the trolls 

  18. 1 alcy

    War is for noobs

  19. Bootshy it's not the best I could come up with but, it's all I needed to come up with.