How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Lawlz aaaagggesssss ago xD i remember... Cuz...
    I WAZ DER *dun dun dun*

    And you were perma pinned and cfed lel
  2. Resilient has a Truth? K den.
  3. Alcy we're all different people :)0
  4. Alcy ya noob were all reapers
  5. Reapers are all different people alcyone
  6. *we're...spell check is a noob.
  7. Ahh. My brain hurts.
  8. Insult my looks but hate to break it to you that won't phase me either.

    I'm quite confident in all aspects
  9. I will sell ata for a sandwich
  10. Ok not only did that not happen its very rare I request a cf to any group in a time other than my supernoob days. A cf request from me is like a cf request from ajax or from redstar something that doesn't happen twice in the same year.
  11. What kind of sandwich? Bootsy will make ya one
  12. Wut is this madness
  13. A snake fillet sandwich please
  14. Even include a little arsenic
  15. Balto stop with your lies xD it was like a year ago and you cfed in forums xD
  16. Do u even reap brah?
  17. I would like mine delivered to me personally by bootsy herself.