Doctor not everyone has adp, thats true. I think u get mith u casted plus some profit. Hitting with max pots affects your mith payout. Inc hits also affect your mith payout, i think.
Well GH's granted. But it's just dumb to have none. Number of fails as said earlier might increase payout as it's a number of actions on you. And the number of pots burnt of the enemies and yours, which is why have ADP is a good idea.
Doc, if you have 13 adp in ee wars mate? You're just giving them extra money, bc even a ghansel can hit thru those stats if you have 13adp.
Still wondering why everyone casts all that mith. They have said long ago any mith casted will be returned in payout. Not that you will get more payout because you casted more. Matter of fact you actually only make the opponent get more mith if you lose because they get a % of any mith you cast So those who cast all that mith just lose more if they lose lol. Actions are only a piece of the pie. Troops and pots burned (even in defending) plus plunder, plus staying in the war longer, all have an affect on payout. We can turn in circles trying to figure it all out. Me I just fight the best I can and what I get I get. Keep kicking ass
Incoming DOES pay mith. I've seen inactives get mith payout, but you must cast at least 1 mith spell. An inactive casted 14 mith spells, ended up with 26 or something. Hitting larger targets also correlates to more mith. Even scouting. Casting more mith just gives the exact same in return. No more no less. THEN it adds on you war contribution
failed inc and small builds tend to increase payout... maybe try war a towered guild hansel and check for yourself
Yes defensive victories contribute towards mith payout, I'm sure that was mentioned before in a post by kaw_admin but do not remember which