He's perm silenced, soon to be forum banned after this huge bypass-fest. I reckon less than a week before he gets banned from KaW. ....Oh plus he told Bek to 'go and kill himself' a few pages ago....
Ok, yes it was a bypass. If a dev or mod could perhaps delete that comment as I don't want to be thoughy of as a Josh. *gets dictionary out* Josh- A rude player of KaW who makes rude threads and posts horrible threats. (no offense if your name is josh, purely directed at OP) Dictionary- 1 OP- 0 ~iVeX "Trolling Nooby Threads Since early 2011"
Omg vex youre soooo smart!!! And Nathan yes that does it xD noobs can't even farm or strip me anymore instead they sit here posting comments on a thread. Nice one :3 Get some lifes F A G S
Here joins another F A G. wacky you Remind me of my daughters wipeys. Full of and piss that get tossed away inside a diaper that's full more S H I T :3 ahaha vex.. You're crying on nathans wall for me to get scout bombed so I won't take the little gold you have xD
"Epic win contest afterscore" deductions. Crying for help Vex -10 Wacky's low stats -5 Nathan I let you have that 1 cuz you've only managed to scout
Josh failed to attack me twice And he stole 3 times. Taking 2mil per. Oh no I've just lost 6m Oh wait, I'll just hit Origins and get 13m per hit
Aw Josh sucks to be you, how does it feel to have so many haters? I feel for you so let me just give a few hints ok, with you being so nooblet and all.... 1/ perma silence is bad, no talking makes life in kaw boring. You cant bypass on walls in your temper and tears arent heard. 2/ forum ban for the bypasses and threats means no way of communicating in kaw at all, means less fun again. 3/ on my clan mates wall you threatened to reroute her computer......perma ban from kaw so ignore issue 1 and 2........also illegal My advice for you, leave all your gold out, your screwed anyway. Have a nice day