Okay, I see nobody's picked at all of OP's faults and errors yet, so I guess I'll have to do it. *EBs *Ally *Ally *Ally *You're *You *Ally *Ally *Reccommended *Ally *It's *Thread *Than Also, you have capital letters where they shouldn't be, and the same goes for lower case letters. Don't even get me started on your punctuation (or lack of!) Now, as for the actual thread content, this really is a good guide for new players, but unfortunately there are better stickied guides that exist. But nice try! I'd give it a 6 or 7/10
Not exactly. They kinda go together ._. MAP is what is put into your mp, which is based on build and how many units you have(I'm sure there is more but I'm going off common knowledge) They are pretty much mixed from the start .-.
And OP, before you complain about me 'being mean' or whatever, just be thankful that I posted it and not someone more... 'trolly'.
And BWS, I'm sure we could spend all day correcting these things, sadly most of them are written with autocorrect in place.