How to grow a weak character fast without nobs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Zanther, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. ive been teaching newbies this for ages now, i alredy saw the potential of pots and so use it on all my new alts and accounts when they reset, i used it to fast train many newbies to bigger stats fast and efficiently and then taught them the rest when they were bigger...
  2. Thank you very much for all the positive responts. Oc my suggestion is not perfect, and we are still working on it to make it more perfect. Today we found out another thing, but we have to test it before we give results out, but one fact in forward (related to hauntings):

    - the amount a clan can earn by pots seems to fixed (between 5-6 bil) and been splitted between ppl doing pots.

    Theoretical would that mean: if the amount is about 5 Bil, and two ppl would use pots, one person 90 pots, the other one 10 pots, the first person would get 4,5 Bil, the other one 0,5 Bil.

    Don't take care about the numbers - only about the numbers of attacks in relation to the amount of Gold.

    Looking forward to your responds,

  3. Good
    Luck finding a clan that will let you do pots on haunting soo many people wait just for item phase like when I am in my main clans main clan I get like 3 pots in
  4. Lets ask Jpkj, ops I forgot he got banned stripped and destroyed  loser jpkj  naked and lost his 8 tril
  5. Trololololololololololol gginn
  6. Many ppl - many hits from different ppl - not much gold for all. We let other ppl from our our Alliance join - weak once - to take part. Just what is 5 Bil if 30 ppl share it? Isn't it better to build up weak players and have them more fun? Also not spending real money in the game to become an accepted player?

    KaW changed a lot since I have been the first time here - so I am just a "Noob" - but guess on the right way.

  7. @Teja I do agree not many ppl will let a noob get full items on haunt when there's no guarantee he or she will stay in that clan. Also with t5 here say because of items in a haunt I only get a 800m reward that's good to me because I need/want t5. Just saying but nice thread
  8. In my point of view it's not necesarry to bring players up to T5 or HC. But I am sure small player would honorar the help because it would also shown they are accepted by "Big Hitters". And I am sure, no "Big Hitter" would miss 50 mil a day if it's supporting his clan.

    And - also Big Hitters get more than 800 m a haunt (oc it belongs how fast it is and also how many ppl take part). So if a big clan-family like ... (won't tell names) would support this, and the hitters would rotate and each would support one haunt a day in the sub clan, it shouldn't be a problem.

    And sorry, I am getting many requests because of this subject. Oc we would support this kind of growing, but when you look at our clan, you will realize, that we are only able to do 3-4 hauntings a day.


    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D
  10. My first EB with my alt, this clan I was in "Merc United" gave my alt 300 pots (pots went to people who couldn't hit) and in the end my 100k combined little guy made 900m
  11. I did this to do my resets before they were stopped, then I bought all lowlands and 5 lowlands then saved up 30 to start a build, took 3 days. But y would you tell everyone? Every noob and his dog will be at it now lol
  12. 5 highlands*
  13. I want to do this anyone have a clan for this?
  14. Be warned, I've been banned twice for this because when you throw 6000 pots into Nml it makes you look suspicious and devs think u may be using a bot
  15. Sometimes it's hard for Devs to see the difference using a bot and doing i alone ... But I don't understand how devs could assume so ... if you would do 48 hours so ... without a break, it's understandable ... but doing so maybe 12 hours a day ... every human can do so.

    Sorry, but this way I would say the devs should check better.