How to get more $ when u reset

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by golfwang_, May 22, 2012.

  1. Why give this out bros lol
  2. @ I Love KaW
    It won't work that way, I've tried both ways my way works better
  3. If u leav ur actions aren't counted
  4. @cp3 i've done my way and it works fine. It's easier because you have a lot of time to work with instead of like a minute.
  5. I love kaw, Its the best
  6. My alt tried what I-Love-KaW said. Had an admin in clan - left EB, reset, rejoined and hit. It didn't work. Didn't get a bean from EB....

    ...I blame Spragga.

    C-P-3, your idea sounds nice. I'll give it a try next time. (Hope you're not just messing with us)
  7. I'm not messing...
    @I Love KaW
    Ur way doesn't really way is foolproof...if u act fast u will b rewarded
  8. It work...You gotta know how to do it. :)
  9. You cant reset while an eb is on
  10. oh well I've done my way before, I'll have to try your way sometime.
  11. Wouldn't this be considered an exploit? No offense, and great idea, but public forum isn't the best place to post possible exploits.

    Before anyone trolls, an exploit in this case is a non-intended "feature" that would allow people to advance faster than others by utilizing server latency on plunder distribution.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong in this case.
  12. Devs already know about this it's old news. Op way to bring up an old subject and try to claim it as yours.
  13. @Op - why do you even do reset? You don't have the 25 lands achievement. there is a trick to get the bonus after reset but you don't explain it properly.
  14. You leave clan when you reset. Unless this has changed since I left.
  15. Lol if your going to do it - make sure it's a haunting and get your clan to let you do items and xtal. FOD (as questioned in the first few pages) pays crap.
  16. Make sure u stay active pretty much the whole EB so u get the most $$$.
  17. It works. I do it.
  18. finally someone doesn't make a weird comment
  19. No offense, but has this been tested by anyone the forums know (or care) about?
  20. Op, this a well known secret, and lots of ppl liked it that way. Thanks for blowing the whistle. Please let this thread die with the other 2 like it ive seen in the last few months.