how to get inc from black hand

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Karma, May 28, 2013.

  1. Well here you all come. To remind us you don't care about the perception!!!

    My perception is that you're trying awful hard to make sure we perceive that you don't care about our perception.
  2. My perception is that last time you flapped your mouth in forums, red ripped you a new ass hole. Maybe you should have learned some humility after getting butt raped last time.
  3. Me? Humility?

    Obviously he didn't do a good enough job on me. I'm still here babie 
  4. *flapped your gums - works sooooo much better.

    Badge here's a another way to get inc from BH.

    1) sir Hayden was to busy squeezing one out over the gapped tooth little square jawed rat blazey to notice his clan had started to breed little EB fairies

    2) if it wasent for ADHD sending reinforcements to help hit LR then BH wouldent have had a leg to stand on.

    3) BH can kiss my peachy white little arse.

    I'll let you know if it works
  5. Lol if we care about your self-labeled "highly valuable opinion" we will ask our members to stay off the forum. Post as you wish, keep it in active topics
  6. What's goin down over here. Thought I'd join in looks fun
  7. Angel you sure a very nice and kind person
  8. I picked my name accordingly
  9. I shall! Everyone deserves to see how much you don't give a ****! You are the epitome of all the fucks never given in this world!


    Oh damn...

    Seems like sometimes you do give a **** 
  10. Another alt of VAL, there everywhere..
  11. What's the SS prove? Belle still has her bitchy attitude that turns me on.
  12. LOL just proves that little hatred he has carried with him for months
  13. It would seem Angel has her eyes set on me now. She just can't stand my personality.
  14. Then go where no man has gone before joker!

    All who venture there never return! The dark and dank cavern swallows any man whole who dares to venture too close!
  15. Ty roxey
  16. Joker if you come back alive I will worship you as a god.
  17. Belle, take with you. I need to feel how you feel deep inside.
  18. Don't go too close towards the gaping ass.
  19. Or the loose goose.