How to Fix The No Matchup Problem

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pickled_Pepper, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Get rid of the limit size matchup 1-2 3-4 exc.. limit size makes it horrible, too dependent on all cs and bfa being close. Clan have 60-100 ppl the cs sizes vary and makes it more strategic, not just who got luckier to have extra 3-4 people. That only depends if you even get in a war.
  2. Full support, incentivize all to war, but incentivize winners more.

    So that more who were preciously excluded from war (reasons are many) and who have given up will come out to play.

    Participant number limits must stay though, that much is obvious, but strength disparity elsewhere can be loosened some since losers also get rewarded.

    And too many damned wars.
  3. Support.
    When we eb we still get reward for attacking the eb for hours if we fail, and only get the bonus if we beat it, why shouldnt these wars be the same way?
  4. 14 no matches for the worms... :eek: the devs need to change the matchup system. How will they get to level 50 rancor rage if they can't get matchups and each person may only be able to do a few wars a week..
  5. Dw we'll still get it
  6. I agree, the mith should be "at least" reimbursed for the losing clan as an incentive to war.

    This would make all the difference.

    The red paladin eb is also a joke, 10-15 mith payout for hours of war prep and taking hours out of people's schedule to war.
  7. And as Val stated, no one would care if matchups were AB CD EF as long as they were reimbursed or given mith rewards.
  8. U have the right problem outlined, participation. Although i dont completely agree with the solution (as losers SHOULD lose) i wouldnt mind it. I am liking how ppl are now realizing the real issue with ee wars and are trying to create some solutions.
  9. Support for this as it would encourage more to war. But considering multi national clans and the times offered across the board, turnouts will always be a problem with real life dictating who can war.

    The effort as you point out that clans put into having a decent roster and tactics co-ordinating all aspects of war is far more effort than the majority of players want to put into a game that is supposed to be fun not a second job.
    The rewards for effort need to far outweigh the effort put into wars win or lose, which is definitely lacking. Something that has been argued since the devs introduced these wars. Something I hope I am wrong in saying just won't happen.

  10. I agree even the 2hr wars cost the same prob 40 bil in mith and pots. It's really hard to stay motivated if when you barely manage to get the 25 people together then you get a bad match and are destroyed so everyone regardless of how well they fought loses that huge investment. No one wants to come back after that so I definitely support this idea or some variation.
  11. Support

    Also Devs you guys could make smaller matchups like 15 min or 20
    That will definitely get more Clans because I know by experience it's hard gettung 25 ACTIVE members to war with.

  12. Good ideas op! Clan participation is the key. I love the ee wars. Two hours of adrenaline. :) Imo, to get more clans to sign up u have to reimburse the gold spent. Pots an mith are expensive. Devs dont even have to give out mith to the loser. Ppl play to win. Whether its a build ur stat race or a war. Losing these ee wars is too costly, both gold spent and time spent not making gold by hitting an eb. Its actually a double loss. Until that changes, look for continued lack of participation.
  13. Bump. Yes make wars cheaper, or award losing participants based on their contribution.

    That way people will be less afraid to war, even if they aren't totally confident of winning.

    What devs are proposing is punishing winners effectively, how does that help increase participation.