How to fix EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 347M3, May 11, 2014.

  1. Support, rewards for participation would be amazing. Nothing for anybody found cheating, inactive, etc. implied though, correct?
  2. Then the losing team should get a certain amount of mith for how many actions they do of course not allot only a small amount but it would fix the problem with inactive people
  3. I've been EE warring for almost 2 years and in that time nothing has changed rewards wise. Warring for mith and eq alone has become stagnant especially when bfe will only matter in Indy/Round wars and very few war the latter.

    A gold incentive would help. For example every 10 wars you win you receive a gold payout depending on your cs and contribution to your wars. After 10, you go back to 0 and the cycle continues. A decent payout to make it worth while not something beyond crap. Perhaps starting with 30-50b for the smallest guys and increase gold payout as the stat tiers increase. Just a quick idea, no proper thought went in to it but a gold incentive of some sort would increase overall participation and make it all the more worthwhile to EE
  4. Hansels still get crap payout in EE. Yet most EE clans want them, so why would a hansel want to EE?
  5. Nice suggestion bomberī€Ž
  6. Bumping my own thread, I put forward 6 months ago that the devs need to add incentives for more players to war. I re-iterated the point a few months ago. I think the results of season 4 and the ailing state of the war system have made my point evident.

    I know this is the off-season, and holiday season, but with war participation dwindling it is time to make wars worthwhile even for the losers.

    Kaw players are smart, they are good at doing cost/benefit analysis. If that analysis leads them to war, then you will see a massive upsurge in participation. I have already written at length as to the positive effect it would have on the community and the game. I am quite surprised that some of these changes have not yet been announced.

    So here's my list of things that would increase war participation.
    1. Gain 5-10 mith over your cast mith even in a loss, with bonus drops of aqua/inf/xstal/seals/xtra medallion etc for successful actions.
    2. Increase mith payouts for winners with bonus drops as mentioned above.
    3. Give a medallion for a loss. 2 or 3 medallions for a win.
    4. Change prize structure so that war equip is purchasable with war medallions, so if you already have a fully upgraded S3 Shoulder, you don't automatically win Season 4 shoulders at third tier of success etc. Instead you can buy something that will replace your weakest gear.
    5. War Banners tiered to war success, that way the best of the best still have their carrot to chase.

    These are just a few suggestions that I believe would more than double the amount of participants in wars, in fact, it might make EE the center of Kaw and invigorate the community.

    I would love to see more suggestions along these lines, with the goal to increase participation and thus enliven this game.
  7. 1) get rid of tracker software/aka bots spamming clan chat; require people to physically report their own incoming attacks

    2) longer wars (3-6hour minimum) that do not force teams to pay to play a freely advertised game

    The reason many do not war is they are immediately told by the EE community if they cant pay for xstals, they get farmed first if thet lose. Fix that, and you'll get more involvement