that moron probably had to use google to Spell Os! Everyone knows I only post with my main. Besides my alt is cambji lol
Ok...this "Yafi" character is annoying. 1. He is not an Os member. Proof- He has threatened my main in PM, which still has Os tags. Proof- He has said A LOT of negative things about Os. 2. He is not Yafi. Proof- He has himself said so. Proof- My Yafi friends deny knowing who he is and didn't know of him until I said. 3. He is clearly a noob looking for attention. Proof- He messed with me last week and reset after saying Os was beating him up (which Os didn't know anything about until I said) Proof- He spams forums like one.
Excuse me sir, but what is this "attack" you speak of...? Are you reffering to the button you push to kill Apheriun?