How to bid arrows on, The Nomad Wars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by slayerbob, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Good, ty bob. I didn't know how to actually bet lol.
  2. How do u know when u win
  3. How do we know the potential of any of the teams? What basis is there for choosing purple Or green? Are we supposed to recognize the different clans on each team and look up the statistics on each of them?
  4. Yep... you have an hour to research. Some groups are a coin-flip even with perfect knowledge.
  5. If i bet 1 on green and no on purple ..
    green wins ..
    i get more reward ?

    Or is it always a 1:2 reward ?
  6. This is great! When will devs open a poker room?
  7. I bet purple and they won so how I lost ?