How to bid arrows on, The Nomad Wars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by slayerbob, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. When do we get wins, also remember guy only bet what your willing to lose and less than 10% of your total.
  2. nothing new shows up in my marketplace. so now what?
  3. Man this sucks all the times for betting I'm usually at work. Bah hum bug. There should be future betting.
  4. I haven't get my feee arrow yet, so just sit back n relax.
  5. Where in supplies? Like.. What section. I don't have that option. :/
  6. I tried to bid today and there was an error??? Couldn't buy... Something like 2461?
  7. @ lovely - It's in the marketplace, scroll down pass the spy defense pots, but it's only visible when it's time to bet.
  8. I bet 1 on each thinking I was cheating the system. I lost an arrow and gained an arrow lol. Error 404: Exploit not found
  9. I dont see an option to buy toxins. Why is this?
  10. There is 1 designated time slot for The Nomad Wars every 2 days. When those time slots come around and match-ups are made, you can buy the toxins. But you can only buy them from when match-ups are created until the war starts. If you wish to see when those wars are planned for, go-

    Home ->
    Clan ->
    Clan Events ->
    View War Schedule ->
    Active (looks for the wars with a *)
  11. Yup it shows only when there is a betting indi war. You can buy after match up begun untill war starts. After that you cant buy. You have to wait for nxt betting war. Nxt war is war 42 @ 9 pm pdt, 9/21.
    you can see upcoming wars by following resilience path above there.
    Ty :)
  12. Ty bob ^^
  13. When do you get the arrows payouts after betting?
  14. ok i bet 5 on each side and won 9 so i lost one betting both sides does not work.
  15. I have 9 purple skulls in my inventory, im not sure why though. Is it part of the payout also?
  16. Shouldn't be. You may have bought more toxins then you wanted. You can sell them if you wish before they are automatically placed for bets.
  17. JUST DELETE THIS THREAD ALREADY, ITS USELESS. YOU DINT HAVE TO BET TO GET TOP 100 ANYMORE!!! btw devs, give me a good Indi team next time I Indi. I'm 2-16 in Indis. And I'm one of the top WR everytime. It's not fair ;(. Out.