Discussion in 'Strategy' started by crazymartian2, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. I dunno. Be awesome I guess
  2. I just talk.
  3. You can always start anew, TinTin.

    Reset, name-change, new clan, stay off of forums for a while...
    You can make it work!
  4. @OP.

    I had my fair share of being popular when I was CyanMoose, and a little bit when I started the clock riot. What people are saying about bein yourself may sound cheesy, but it's true. As cyanmoose and even as hamster I just be myself. On WC I believe I was quite popular because I just acted like, well, me. On WC atleast all it took was lots of speakers, and being friendly and I guess funny. If youre on WC, or forums alot, people will start to like you and get used to having you around. So what I can tell you is, be yourself, post lots of good threads and post, and make people like you.
  5. Just hang around me, some of mine will rub off on you ;)
  6. Join my clan I'll show you what not to do :?:
  7. Ugh just LEAVE Balto.

    What a creeper.
  8. Dogle, if only that was true
  9. You'd be surprised how many followers I get from a little wc streaking...
  10. Tin tin , I don't hate you , and anyone can start fresh , look at RP , she started fresh and she is a popular forumer , I've seen many noobs that have been popular before . I don't aim for a reputation , I just post on threads and I don't lie for anything. I say what I think about the topic , that's the point of forums.

    @OP redefine "popular"
  11. Do u guys like my forums? (0_0)
  12. Call your local law enforcement and curse at them.
  13. Or read this out loud
    knock knock.
    Who's there?
    I eat mop.
    I eat mop who?
    Das nasty!
  14. Read it outloud and u will get it
  16. @fluffles my friend is mr. Fluffles